Codefresh logging library
This library is a wrapper of winston logging library that adds additional beheaviour dedicated for our use.
Basic Usage - default logger
var logger = require('cf-logs');"info message");
logger.error("error message");
Notice that if you use this option then you will not be able to use the DEBUG environment variable to filter these logs.
So our main use should be with the advanced usage.
Advanced Usage - specific namespaced logger
You can provide a namespace for your current logger, just like in 'debug' module and then controll the output logs with DEBUG environment variable
var logger = require('cf-logs').Logger("codefresh:example");"info message");
logger.debug("debug meesage"):
This is very powerfull for development, because many times you want to see only logs from a specific part of the application so you can for example set the DEBUG environment variable to for example: "codefresh:builds".
The default is set so that all logs that begins with a namespace 'codefresh,codefresh:*' will be shown.
Logging Errors
var logger = require('cf-logs').Logger("codefresh:example");
var error = new Error("very bad error");
logger.error("error: %s", error.toString());
logger.error("stack: %s", error.stack);
Configuring the logger
The options that can be passed are:
var options = {
showNamespace: Boolean,
env_module: String,
showRequestId: Boolean,
level: String(one of: "error/warn/info/debug"),
consoleOptions: {
formatter: function(options) {
return new Date().toISOString() +' '+ options.level.toUpperCase() +' >> '+ (undefined !== options.message ? options.message : '') +
(options.meta && Object.keys(options.meta).length ? ' << ' + JSON.stringify(options.meta) : '' );
basePath: String,
baseNamepsace: String
var logger = require('cf-logs');
Logging levels
The logging level is an additional filter that can be set, mainly for production usage.
we have 4 levels, from highest to lowest priority:
- error
- warn
- info
- debug
If not set, the default logging level is 'debug'.
For example: if we set the logging level to warn, then only error and warn logs will be handled. info and debug will not be handled.
Showing namespace
Set 'showNamespace' field to true or false to show the namespace in the logs
The default is false
Global name to the logger
You can set 'env_module' field to a name that will be shown on all logs. for example: "cf-api-machine-1"
The default is set to null which will not print anything
Show request id
Set 'showRequestId' field to true or false to show the current request id if exists
The default is set to false
Namespace based on file path
Set the basePath to your project root (__dirname), then create loggers with __filename as the namespace.
Also, set your base namespace. (e.g. lalala)
basePath: /home/user/workspace/projectDir
namespace: projectName
newLogger(//home/user/workspace/projectDir/internalDir/file.js) will get the namespace: projectName:internalDir:file