Node cli about git commit msg 简易版 规范 可自定义格式
建议安装 1.2.9 以上版本
- template:
type: [name] #cardNo content
(if no cardNo, then it can be #N/A) - example:
test: [mike] #333 add edge case for login test
only can be one of these types and their meaning as show follow:
- feat: new feature
- test: add or change some test case
- refactor: refactor of the code and not change the behavior of code itself
- style: format the code style, such as indent of code, not related to code itself
- chore: changes to the build process or code infrastructure
- fix: fix the bug
- docs: documentation related, such add content to documentation or add some comments
- revert: revert the previous commit
- temporary: temporary change something maybe for pipeline
- hotfix: fix the bug for emergency
npm install -g cgc
初始化 默认参数
> cgc d 不输入option参数 则代表查看当前配置情况
// 设置默认名字
> cgc d -n name
// 设置默认格式
> cgc d -f "&type&: [&name&] #&cardId& &body&"
// 支持type, scope, name, cardId, body任意组装出需要的格式
// 默认为:feat: [chong] #N/A add new feature
// or: cgc d -f "&type&: &name& - #&cardId& &body&"
// or: cgc d -f "&type&(&scope&): &body&(&cardId&)"
// or: ...
// 重置回默认设置
> cgc d -r
使用 cgc 命令 代替 git commit -m ""
> git add xxx
> cgc
- 设置默认名字时报如下错误:
SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at /Users/chongqiang.chen/Desktop/Project/Learn/cgc/utils.js:11:30
at FSReqCallback.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (internal/fs/read_file_context.js:63:3)
建议忽略,此 BUG 正在修复中,不影响任何操作,设置默认名字已经成功
- 如何查看版本
cgc -version or -v
- 如何在本地项目中使用
npm install -D cgc
// update package.json
"script" : {
"cgc": "cgc"
"cgc_d_n": "cgc d -n"
// run
npm run cgc