This is a library of chart parsers for natural language processing.
Supported algorithms
The following algorithms are supported:
- Cocke Younger Kasama (CYK) Parser: an efficient purely bottom up chart parser for parsing with grammars in Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)
- Earley Parser: a basic chart parser based on Earley's algorithm for parsing with context-free grammars
- Left-Corner Parser: a chart parser for parsing with top-down predictions based on the left-corner of production rules.
- Head-Corner Parser: a chart parser for parsing with top-down predictions based on the head of production rules.
All four parsers are created and called in the same way and return the same type of result, that is a chart with recognised items. In the next section it will be explained how grammars and parsers are used in general. After that each parser will be discussed in more detail.
This module can be installed using npm as follows:
npm install chart-parsers
All four parser are used in the same way: load a grammar, create a parser and parse sentences.
var GrammarParser = require('GrammarParser');
var ParserFactory = require('ParserFactory');
var parserFactory = new ParserFactory();
var tagged_sentence = [['I', 'NP'], ['saw', 'V'], ['the', 'DET'], ['man', 'N'],
['with', 'P'], ['the', 'DET'], ['telescope', 'N']];
var grammar_text = "S -> NP *VP*\nNP -> DET *N*\nNP -> *NP* PP\nPP -> P *NP*\nVP -> *V* NP\nVP -> *VP* PP";
// Set the grammar
var grammar = GrammarParser.parse(grammar_text);
// Create a parser; other parsing algorithms are 'Earley', 'LeftCorner', 'HeadCorner'
var parser = parserFactory.createParser({grammar: grammar, type: 'CYK'});
// parse the sentence
var chart = parser.parse(tagged_sentence);
The resulting chart is an array of length N+1, and each entry contains items of the form [rule, dot, from, children] where:
- rule is the production rule; it has two members: lhs for the left-hand-side of the rule, and rhs for the right-hand-side of the rule.
- dot is the position in the right hand side of the rule up to which it has been recognised.
- from is the origin position pointing at the position in the sentence at which recognition of this rule began.
- children are the completed items that are used to recognise the current item
Based on the children of the completed items the parse(s) of a sentence can be constructed.
Context-Free Grammars
The grammar module reads context-free grammars from file, and offers some methods that are practical for parsing.
The syntax of production rules is as follows (in EBNF):
grammar = { comment | production_rule }
production_rule = nonterminal, [ white_space ], "->", [ white_space ], [nonterminal_seq] , ["*" nonterminal "*" nonterminal_seq ]
nonterminal_seq = nonterminal, { whitespace, nonterminal }
nonterminal = non_whitespace_char, { non_whitespace_char }
comment = "//", { any_character }
Note the possibility of identifying one nonterminal as the head of the production rule. This information is used by the head-corner parser for predicting new partial parses.
Terminals are not allowed in the grammar, because we assume these to be recognised by a lexer and tagged with (lexical) categories. In the grammar these lexical categories can be seen as preterminals.
The grammar parsers also allows adding constraints to the production rules. This has been added for future extension of the parsers to unification-based parsing. Contraints may have two possible forms:
<nonterminal1 feature1 feature2> = atom
<nonterminal2 feature3 feature3> = <nonterminal3 feature4>
CYK Chart Parser
The CYK algorithm works with context-free grammars in Chomsky Normal Form (CNF). Production rules are of the form:
A -> B C
A -> a
where A, B and C are nonterminals and a is a terminal.
The CYK algorithm is as follows:
function CYK-PARSE(sentence, grammar)
let the input be a sentence consisting of n characters: a1 ... an.
This grammar contains the subset Rs which is the set of start symbols.
chart = INITIALISE-CHART(sentence, grammar)
for each i = 2 to n do // Length of span
for each j = 1 to n-i+1 do // Start of span
for each k = 1 to i-1 do // Partition of span
for each production A -> B C do
if chart[j,k,B] and chart[j+k,i-k,C] then
chart[j,i,A] = true
return chart
function INITIALISE-CHART(sentence, grammar)
let chart[n,n,r] be an array of booleans
where n is the length of the sentence and
r the number of nonterminal symbols.
Initialize all elements of chart to false.
for i = 1 to n do
for each unit production A -> ai
chart[i,1,A] = true
return chart
(Adapted from: Wikipedia,
Below is a simple toy grammar that is in CNF:
S -> NP VP
PP -> P NP
VP -> V NP
DET -> the
NP -> I
N -> man
N -> telescope
P -> with
V -> saw
N -> cat
N -> dog
N -> pig
N -> hill
N -> park
N -> roof
P -> from
P -> on
P -> in
The language generated by this grammar contains a.o. "I saw the man with the telescope". Clearly, this grammar contains the lexicon as well. In our parser the lexicon is separated from the grammar. The parser expects a tokenized and tagged sentence as input. In this way we feed the output of a tagger into the parser.
Earley Chart Parser
The Earley Chart Parser can parse all context-free languages and uses arbitrary context-free grammars.
The algorithm in pseudo code:
function EARLEY-PARSE(words, grammar)
ENQUEUE((γ → •S, 0), chart[0])
for i ← from 0 to LENGTH(words) do
for each state in chart[i] do
if INCOMPLETE?(state) then
PREDICTOR(state, i, grammar)
COMPLETER(state, i)
return chart
procedure PREDICTOR((A → α•B, i), j, grammar)
for each (B → γ) in GRAMMAR-RULES-FOR(B, grammar) do
ADD-TO-SET((B → •γ, j), chart[j])
procedure COMPLETER((B → γ•, j), k)
for each (A → α•Bβ, i) in chart[j] do
ADD-TO-SET((A → αB•β, i), chart[k])
(Adapted from: Wikipedia,
Left-Corner Chart Parser
The left-corner algorithm is parses the sentence from left to right just like the Earley algorithm. The only difference is in the prediction of new items. The left-corner relation is used to optimise predictions top down. Therefore, the left-corner algorithm is called an bottom-up with top-down filtering.
The left-corner relation is based on the left-corner of production rules. Consider the following production rule
S -> NP VP
NP is called the left-corner of S, written as S >_lc NP
. The transitive reflexive closure, written as >_lc*
, is used for filtering.
function LEFT-CORNER-PARSE(sentence)
chart = INITIALISE-CHART(sentence)
agenda = INITIALISE-AGENDA(sentence)
for i = 0 to n do
for items [A → α•β, i] do
LC-PREDICTOR(item, chart, grammar)
COMPLETER(item, chart, grammar)
return chart
The deduction rules that is applied by LC-PREDICTOR is:
D_lc = {[X → γ•, k, j], [A → α.Cβ,i,k] |- [B → X.δ, k, j] | B → Xδ, C >_lc* B}
Head-Corner Chart Parser
The algorithm of head corner parsing is based on the idea that the right-hand side of a production rule contains a head, a word or constituent that determines the syntactic type of the complete phrase. To make the algorithm work in each production rule the right hand-side must a symbol that is decorated as head, like this:
NP -> DET *N*
This means that N is head-corner of NP, or NP >_hc N
. The parser uses these the head-corner relation to predict new partial parses. In fact, it uses the reflexive transitive closure of the head-corner relation to create new goal items and head-corner items. The closure is written as >_hc*
Head-corner parsing involves a complex administrative bookkeeping. It uses a chart and an agenda. As long as items are available on the agenda, it takes an item from the agenda and tries to combine it with items on the chart. New items are added to the agenda. Algorithm in pseudo-code:
function HEAD-CORNER-PARSE(sentence)
chart = INITIALISE-CHART(sentence)
agenda = INITIALISE-AGENDA(sentence)
while not IS-EMPTY(agenda) do
current = GET-ITEM-FROM-AGENDA(agenda)
if not IS-ON-CHART(current) then
ADD-TO-CHART(chart, current)
COMBINE-WITH-CHART(chart, current)
return chart
The following types of items are used:
- CYK items are of the form
[A, i, j]
which means that nonterminal A can produce the sentence from position i to position j. - Goal items are of the form
[l, r, A]
which means that the nonterminal is expected to be recognised somewhere between position l and r. - Head-corner items are of the form
[S -> NP VP, i, j, l, r]
where the right hand side of the production rule has been recognised from position i to j, and the recognised part of the production can generate the sentence from position l to r.
Given a sentence a1, a2, .. , an, the following set is used to initialise the agenda; it adds goal items to the agenda for the start symbol.
D_init_agenda = {[i, j, S]|0 <= i <= j <= n}
The following set is used to initialise the chart; for each word of the sentence appropriate CYK items are added to the chart.
D_init_chart = {[A, i, i+1]| A -> a_i, 0 <= i <= n}
These deduction rules are used for creating new items in the combine step:
(1) D_HC = {[i, j, A], [X, i, j] |- [B -> α•X•β, i, j] | A >_hc* B}
(2) D_HC_epsilon = {[j, j, A] |- [B -> ••, j, j] | A >_hc* B}
(3) D_left_predict = {[l, r, A], [B -> αC•β•γ, k, r] |- [i, j, C] | A >_hc* B, l <= i <= j <= k}
(4) D_right_predict = {[l, r, A], [B -> α•β•Cγ, l, i] |- [j, k, C] | A >_hc* B, i <= j <= k <= r}
(5) D_pre_complete = {[A -> •β•, i, j] |- [A, i, j]}
(6) D_left_complete = {[i, k, A], [X, i, j], [B -> αX•β•γ, j, k] |- [B -> α•Xβ•γ, i, k] | A >_hc* B}
(7) D_right_complete = {[i, k, A], [B -> α•β•Xγ, i, j], [X, j, k] |- [B -> α•βX•γ, i, k] | A >_hc* B}
Deduction rules (1) and (2) introduce head-corner items from goal items. Rules (3) and (4) introduce goal items from partially recognised head-corner items. Rule (5) creates CYK items for head-corner items that are completely recognised. Rules (6) and (7) recognise parts of head-corner items based on CYK items.
The head-corner parser is created and applied as usual; there is however one difference: the production rules of the grammar must be decorated with heads as follows:
S -> NP *VP*
NP -> DET *N*
NP -> *NP* PP
PP -> P *NP*
VP -> *V* NP
VP -> *VP* PP
Feature Structures
This module provides a class for typed feature structures, unification. Furthermore it allows reading a lexicon and taggging.
Usage of types
A type is an object with a name and zero or more super types:
var Type = require('../lib/Type');
var agreement = new Type('agreement', []);
var person = new Type('person', [agreement]);
Usage of type lattice
var TypeLattice = require('../lib/TypeLattice');
var typeLattice = new TypeLattice();
var Type = require('../lib/Type');
var agreement = new Type('agreement', []);
var person = new Type('person', [agreement]);
var first = new Type('first', [person]);
var second = new Type('second', [person]);
var third = new Type('third', [person]);
Once a type lattice has been created the least upper bound of two types can be
var lub = type1.lub(type2, type_lattice);
Checking if one type subsumes another type is done as follows:
if (type1.subsumes(type2, type_lattice)) {
console.log(type1.pretty_print() + ' subsumes ' + type2.pretty_print());
Creating typed feature structures
Feature structures can be created programmatically from JSON objects and by
specification in a PATRII like language. Typed feature structures are specified
with respect to a type lattice.
Here is how to create feature structures from JSON objects:
var FeatureStructureFactory = require('../lib/FeatureStructureFactory');
var featureStructureFactory = new FeatureStructureFactory();
var dag_verb = {
'type': 'verb',
'literal': 'walks',
'agreement' : {
'type': 'agreement',
'person': 'third',
'number': 'singular'
var dag_noun = {
'type': 'noun',
'literal': 'man',
'agreement': {
'type': 'agreement',
'person': 'third',
'number': 'singular'
var fs_verb = featureStructureFactory.createFeatureStructure({dag: dag_verb});
var fs_noun = featureStructureFactory.createFeatureStructure({'dag': dag_noun});
Feature structures can be specified in a lexicon as well.
[home] ->
category: noun
agreement: [agreement
number: singular
gender: neutrum
The module LexiconParser reads lexicon as follows:
Unification of feature structures