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Checkoid: A validator library that allows to combine validator like you would lego piece.
Checkoid is an experimental validator library that allows to combine validator like you would lego piece.
You can create simple validator: Simply pass a function, that either return a value for an error, or nothing if the value is valid.
import { validator } = from 'checkoid';
const isEmail = validator((value) => {
if (/@/.test(value)) {
return 'value must be an email';
const isNotGmail = validator((value) => {
if (/ {
return 'value must not be a gmail adress';
isEmail.check(''); // undefined
// [{ message: 'value must not be a gmail adress', value: '' }]
// [{ message: 'value must be an email', value: 'whatever' }]
// [{ message: 'value must not be a gmail adress', value: 'whatever' }]
And then combine them with and
const isEmailNotFromGMail = isEMail.and(isNotGmail);
// [
// { message: 'value must be an email', value: 'whatever' },
// { message: 'value must not be a gmail adress', value: '' }
// ]
// [{ message: 'value must not be a gmail adress', value: '' }]
isEmailNotFromGMail.check(''); // undefined
Or with or
const isEmpty = validator((value) => {
if (!!value) {
return 'value is not empty';
const isOptionalEmail = isEmail.or(isEmpty);
isOptionalEmail.check(''); // undefined
isOptionalEmail.check(''); // undefined
isOptionalEmail.check('invalid mail');
// [
// { message: 'value must be an email', value: 'invalid mail' },
// { message: ''value is not empty'', value: 'invalid mail' }
// ]
You can validate object too
import { shape } = from 'checkoid';
const isGreaterThan = length => validator(value => {
if (value && value.length <= length) {
return `value must be at least ${length} characters long`;
// objectValidator takes an object of other validator and returns a validator
const validateUser = shape({
email: isEmail.or(isAbsent),
password: isGreaterThan(8),
validateUser.check({ email: '', password: 'shouldnotdisplaythis' }) // undefined
validateUser.check({ email: '', password: 'secret' })
// [{ key: ['password'], message: 'value must be at least 8 characters long', value: 'secret' }]
validateUser.check('Hi I am John a valid user')
// [{ message: 'value must be an object', value: 'Hi I am John a valid user' }]
Or array
import { arrayOf } from 'checkoid';
// listValidator take any validator and apply it to a list of value
const isEmailList = arrayOf(isEmail);
isEmailList.check([]); // undefined
isEmailList.check(['', '']); // undefined
isEmailList.check(['', 'I am a valid email', '']);
// [{ key: [1], message: 'value must be an email', value: 'I am a valid email' }]
isEmailList.check('I am an email list'); // [{ message: 'value must be an array', value: 'I am an email list' }]
Or array of object
import { arrayOf } from 'checkoid';
const isUserList = arrayOf(validateUser);
isUserList.check([]); // undefined
{ email: '', password: 'shouldnotdisplaythis' },
{ email: '', password: 'mySecretPassword' },
]); // undefined
{ email: '', password: 'shouldnotdisplaythis' },
'I am an user',
{ email: '', password: '1234' },
// [
// { key: [1], mesage: 'value is not an object', value: 'I am an user' },
// { key: [2, 'password'], message: 'value must be at least 8 characters long', value: '1234' },
// ]
In short all validators can be combined together, and you will always get back a Validator.
It is also possible to create asynchronous Validator
import { asyncValidator } = from 'checkoid';
const doesUserIdExists = asyncValidator(async value => {
const user = await fetchUser(value);
if (user) {
return 'There is no user with this id';
// with an asynchronous validator the check method return a promise
await doesUserIdExists.check('badId');
// [{ message: 'There is no user with this id', value: 'badId' }]
await doesUserIdExists.check('goodId'); // undefined'
Asynchronous Validators can be combined exactly like synchronous ones. They can even be combined with synchronous Validator. Simply as soon as an asynchronous Validator get combined with other synchronous Validator, the resultant validator will automatically become asynchronous.
Function to create a validator. It takes a simple validation function that take a value and returns either undefined when the value is valid or an invalid message when the value is not.
import { validator } from 'checkoid';
const isEqual10 = validator(value => value === 10 ? undefined : 'value must be 10');
isEqual10.check(10) // undefined
isEqual10.check(5) // [{ message: 'value must be 10', value: 5 }]
Function to create a validator from an async validation function. It takes a simple validation async function that takes a value and returns a promise holding either undefined when the value is valid or an invalid message when the value is not.
import { asyncValidator } from 'checkoid';
const doesUserIdExists = asyncValidator(async value => {
const user = await fetchUser(value);
if (user) {
return 'There is no user with this id';
// with an async validator the check method return a promise
await doesUserIdExists.check('badId');
// [{ message: 'There is no user with this id', value: 'badId' }]
await doesUserIdExists.check('goodId'); // undefined'
All exported value in checkoid are either Validator or function that returns a Validator. The validator object possess the following methods.
Takes a value and either returns undefined if it pass the validation or an array of object describing the issues otherwise. The array contains an object for each validation function that returned an issue.
If the validator is async, the result will get wrapped inside a promise
It possess the following preoperty :
Takes another validator and returns a new validator that apply the validations of both validator. All error will get concatenated.
import { isGt, isNumber } from 'checkoid';
const isGt3 = isGt(3).and(isNumber);
isGt3.check(4); // undefined
// [
// { message: 'value must be greater than 3', value: 1 },
// ]
// [
// { message: 'value must be greater than 3', value: 'four' },
// { message: 'value must be a number', value: 'four' },
// ]
Takes another validator and returns a new validator that apply the validations of both validator. It will only return the errors if both validator are invalid. If one of the two pass, the error of the other one will get ignored.
import { validator, match } from 'checkoid';
const isEmail = validator((value) => {
if (/@/.test(value)) {
return 'value must be an email';
const isEmpty = validator((value) => {
if (!!value) {
return 'value is not empty';
const isOptionalEmail = isEmail.or(isEmpty);
isOptionalEmail.check(''); // undefined
isOptionalEmail.check(''); // undefined
isOptionalEmail.check('invalid mail');
// [
// { message: 'value must be an email', value: 'invalid mail' },
// { message: 'value is not empty', value: 'invalid mail' }
// ]
Takes a function that receives all error object for the given validator and allow to return a new message. This allows to change the message part of the return value. This function returns a new validator.
const isEmail = match(/@/).format(({ message, value }) => `value: "${value}" is not a valid email`);
isEmail.check(''); // undefined
// [{ message: 'value: "whatever" is not a valid email', value: 'whatever' }]
Takes a function that will be applyed to the tested value before the validation function. This allows to sanitize the value. This function returns a new validator.
import { hasLengthGt } from 'checkoid';
const isLongerThan8 = hasLengthGt(8).beforeHook(value => value.trim());
isLongerThan8.check(' hey ');
// [{ message: 'value must have a length greater than 8', value: 'hey' }]
Advanced usage only. This works like format, but instead of allowing to change the message, it allows to changes the whole error object. If you decide you need this, keep the message, value and key property on the object.
Internal function please ignore. If you use this I sure hope you know what you are doing. Otherwise things will break.
Internal function please ignore. If you use this I sure hope you know what you are doing. Otherwise things will break.
Checkoid provides the following basic validator to check basic type. Thy are stright forward.
Checkoid provides the following validator factory function that returns validator.
Take a minimum value and returns a validator that check if the value is greater than the given minimum value
import { isGt } from 'checkoid';
const isGreaterThanFive = isGt(5);
isGreaterThanFive.check(6); // undefined
isGreaterThanFive.check(1); // [{ message: 'value must be greater than 5', value: 1 }]
Take a minimum value and returns a validator that check if the value is greater or equal than the given minimum value
import { isGte } from 'checkoid';
const isAtLeastFive = isGte(5);
isAtLeastFive.check(6); // undefined
isAtLeastFive.check(1); // [{ message: 'value must be at least 5', value: 1 }]
Take a maximum value and returns a validator that check if the value is less than the given maximum value
import { isLt } from 'checkoid';
const isLessThanFive = isLt(5);
isLessThanFive.check(1); // undefined
isLessThanFive.check(6); // [{ message: 'value must be less than 5', value: 6 }]
Take a maximum value and returns a validator that check if the value is less or equal to the given maximum value
import { isLte } from 'checkoid';
const isLessThanFive = isLte(5);
isLessThanFive.check(1); // undefined
isLessThanFive.check(6); // [{ message: 'value must be at most 5', value: 6 }]
Take a regex and returns a validator that check if the value match it
import { match } from 'checkoid';
const isEMail = match(/@/);
isEmail.check(''); // undefined
// [{ message: 'value must match pattern /@/', value: 'whatever' }]
Take a number and returns a validator that check that the value as a length of the given number.
import { hasLengthOf } from 'checkoid';
const hasLengthOfThree = hasLengthOf(3);
hasLengthOfThree.check([1, 2, 3]); // undefined
hasLengthOfThree.check([]); // [{ message: 'value must have a length of 3', value: [] }]
Take a number and returns a validator who check that the value as a length greater than the given number.
import { hasLengthGt } from 'checkoid';
const isLongerThanThree = hasLengthGt(3);
isLongerThanThree.check([1, 2, 3, 4]); // undefined
isLongerThanThree.check([1, 2, 3]); // [{ message: 'value must have a length greater than 3', value: [1, 2, 3] }]
Take a number and returns a validator who check that the value as a length greater or equal to the given number.
import { hasLengthGte } from 'checkoid';
const hasLengthGteThree = hasLengthGte(3);
hasLengthGteThree.check([1, 2, 3, 4]); // undefined
hasLengthGteThree.check([1, 2, 3]); // undefined
hasLengthGteThree.check([1, 2]); // [{ message: 'value must have a length of at least 3', value: [1, 2] }]
Take a number and returns a validator who check that the value as a length smaller than the given number.
import { hasLengthLt } from 'checkoid';
const isShorterThanThree = hasLengthLt(3);
isShorterThanThree.check([1, 2]); // undefined
isShorterThanThree.check([1, 2, 3, 4]); // [{ message: 'value must have a length less than 3', value: [1, 2, 3, 4] }]
Take a number and returns a validator who check that the value as a length smaller or equal to the given number.
import { hasLengthLte } from 'checkoid';
const hasLengthLteThree = hasLengthLte(3);
hasLengthLteThree.check([1, 2]); // undefined
hasLengthLteThree.check([1, 2, 3]); // undefined
hasLengthLteThree.check([1, 2, 3, 4]); // [{ message: 'value must have a length of at most 3', value: [1, 2, 3, 4] }]
Take a validator and returns a new validator that apply it to every value in a given array.
import { arrayOf } from 'checkoid';
const isArrayOfNumber = arrayOf(isNumber);
isArrayOfNumber.check([1, 2, 3]); // undefined
isArrayOfNumber.check([1, "deux", 3]);
// [
// {
// key: [1],
// message: "value must be a number",
// value: "deux",
// },
// ]
// [
// {
// message: "value must be an array",
// value: null,
// },
// ]
Takes a spec object (an object with key / validator pair) and returns a validator that apply each validators to the corresponding object property. It also check that the passed value is an object
import { shame, match, hasLengthGt } from 'checkoid';
const isEmail = match(/@/);
const validateUser = shape({
email: isEmail,
password: hasLengthGt(8),
validateUser.check({ email: '', password: 'shouldnotdisplaythis' }) // undefined
validateUser.check({ email: '', password: 'secret' })
// [{ key: ['password'], message: 'value must have a length greater than 8', value: 'secret' }]
validateUser.check('Hi I am John a valid user')
// [{ message: 'value must be an object', value: 'Hi I am John a valid user' }]
shape also takes an exact boolean as second argument. When set to true, shape will also ensure that there is no key that is not tested by a validator.
import { shape } from 'checkoid';
const validateUser = shape({
email: isEmail,
password: hasLengthGt(8),
}, true);
validateUser.check({ email: '', password: 'shouldnotdisplaythis' }) // undefined
validateUser.check({ email: '', password: 'shouldnotdisplaythis', foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz' })
// [{
// message: "Value has extraneous keys: foo, baz",
// value: {
// email: ''
// password: 'shouldnotdisplaythis'
// foo: 'bar',
// bar: 'baz',
// },
// }]
make install
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
make test
To learn more about the contributions to this project, consult the contribution guide.
Checkoid is licensed under the MIT License, courtesy of Marmelab.
Checkoid: A validator library that allows to combine validator like you would lego piece.
The npm package checkoid receives a total of 0 weekly downloads. As such, checkoid popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that checkoid demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Socket researchers uncover a malicious npm package posing as a tool for detecting vulnerabilities in Etherium smart contracts.
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