Small library that converts Chinese numbers into arabic Number
, such as 兩百四十五 into 245
Language support
Supports Traditional, Simplified, Financial numbers and some dialects. Only integers are supported, except the limited support for Arabic decimal + Chinese number, like "3.5萬". The largest supported character is 億/亿.
Usage examples
The ChineseNumber
class contains these methods:
- converts a Chinese or mixed number into Arabic and returns a JavaScript Number
- translates the entire string (possibly with multiple numbers in it) and returns the same string, but with Arabic numbers.isNumberOrSpace()
- checks whether the character is part of a number (true
) or unrelated text (false
new ChineseNumber('兩百四十五').toInteger();
new ChineseNumber('345 萬').toInteger();
new ChineseNumber('3.5萬').toInteger();
new ChineseNumber(' 二〇一二年').toInteger();
new ChineseNumber('卅六').toInteger();
new ChineseNumber('***貳佰零伍元***').toInteger();
new ChineseNumber('1000 and one').toInteger();
Possible unexpected results
new ChineseNumber(' 二百 or 兩百').toInteger();
- Standalone JS class -
- NPM package -
License and contributing
Unlicense / Public domain. You can do everything.
Pull requests and bug reports are welcome.