WebPack is awesome : build JavaScript project, add super-power, import anything, anywhere.
But folks need to install a lot of package and messy configuration with object merging is a real problem for beginner who doesn't have time to learn WebPack.
Chocolatin help user to leverage friction with WebPack 2 (transition - configuration).
How to install
You need Node.js >= 6 and NPM >= 3.
Chocolatin need WebPack@2.1.0-beta.25 to work.
We will follow WebPack 2 road-map and update package when new version release.
With NPM :
npm i chocolatin webpack@2.1.0-beta.25 --save-dev
With Yarn :
yarn add chocolatin webpack@2.1.0-beta.25 --dev
You can ship the "demo" directory for some example with Babel, TypeScript, Node.js, Angular 2, React, ...
We will write real documentation/contribution guide later.
Available loaders and package needed
Loader can take options.
They are functions who need to be call and return object.
Loader need to be manually install in your project, via npm or yarn.
- Babel : babel-loader, babel-core, babel-plugin-transform-runtime, and presets (like babel-preset-es2015 + babel-preset-stage-2).
- EsLint : eslint-loader, eslint and presets if needed (AirBnB or standard).
- TypeScript : typescript, awesome-typescript-loader, tslint, tslint-loader
- Css : css-loader, postcss-loader.
- Sass : sass-loader, node-sass, postcss-loader.
- Stylus : stylus-loader, stylus, postcss-loader.
- Assets : url-loader.
- Json : file-loader.
- Html : file-loader.
Available mixins
Mixin can take options.
They are functions who need to be call and return object.
- Input : input options (like WebPack entries).
- Ouput : output options (like WebPack output).
- Target : target specific environment (node per example).
- External : add external module who don't need to be part of your build (like
- Watch : add watch mode.
Available plugins
Plugin can take options.
They are functions who need to be call and return a WebPack plugin or nothing.
- AssetsGenerator : generate assets.json file.
- Browser : start browser after build.
- Chunk : split code into multiple fragments for lazy-loading.
- Clean : clean directories before build.
- Dashboard : enabled dashboard.
- Define : define metadata (replaced at compile time).
- DevTool : set it for browser source-maps.
- ExtractCss : extract style into single file (use it in production).
- Hmr : enabled HMR when you use WebPack web-server.
- HtmlGenerator : add style/script into your index.html
- InlineCss : inline style in document when imported (use it in development).
- Minify : minify output.
- NoError : disabled error.
- ProgressBar : add progress bar when build start.
- Provide : add global module, module linking in global window (like jQuery 2.x).
Write your own loader/plugin/mixin
Todo ...
Todo ...
- Elm, Pure, CycleJS, Angular 2, React demos.
- Deserve Chocolatin loader her, people doesn't need to install loader packages.
- Real docs.