When you start with WebPack, you need to :
- Install a lot of package (loaders, plugins, ...).
- Make WebPack configuration with messy deep object in different environment (dev, prod, testing, ...).
- Setup external tools configuration (linter, .babelrc file, ...).
Chocolatin help developers to leverage friction & time-lost with WebPack configuration. Focus on project instead of build system.
We use more functional way to describe your app, with low object configuration.
How to install
You need Node.js >= 6 and NPM >= 3.
Chocolatin work with WebPack 2 : we will follow WebPack road-map and update package as soon as possible before final release.
So now, install Chocolatin with NPM in your project :
npm i chocolatin --save-dev
Or with Yarn :
yarn add chocolatin --dev
Touch a new file and import Chocolatin module.
'use strict';
const chocolatin = require('chocolatin');
mixins: [],
loaders: [],
plugins: [],
Then, simply run file with Node.js :
node ./build.js
You can ship the "demo" directory for some example in different environment with Babel, TypeScript, Node.js, Angular 2, React, Electron, ...
Public API
provide({ mixins: Array<Object>, loaders: Array<Object>, plugins: Array<Function> )): WebPack Configuration
Provide take Chocolatin configuration and transform it into WebPack 2 configuration.
node ./build.js
burn({ mixins: Array<Object>, loaders: Array<Object>, plugins: Array<Function> )): WebPack Compiler
Burn take Chocolatin configuration and build them with WebPack.
node ./build.js
watch({ mixins: Array<Object>, loaders: Array<Object>, plugins: Array<Function> )): WebPack Watcher
Watch take Chocolatin configuration and watch files with WebPack.
node ./build.js
server({ mixins: Array<Object>, loaders: Array<Object>, plugins: Array<Function> )): WebPack Dev Server
Server take Chocolatin configuration and create server on http://localhost:3000. Then, watch files.
You can use Hmr plugins to start Hot Module replacement.
node ./build.js
If you need better design, install "webpack-dashboard" npm package in your project and start server with :
webpack-dashboard -- node ./build.js
mixins : all mixins available.
loaders : all loaders available.
plugins : all plugins available.
Mixins are function with n-arity, who return an object who will be merge to WebPack base configuration.
Only one mixin is available : Io.
The Io mixin describe how your app work :
- 1st argument is a WebPack entry object. Mandatory.
- 2nd argument is a WebPack output object. Mandatory.
- 3rd argument is a string who describe WebPack compiler target : web | webworker | node | electron. Mandatory.
- 4th argument are externals package who need to stay in node_modules, like server package. Optional.
That's all. You can make your own mixin if you need to share and dispatch your own configuration.
Loader handle file in your project.
Basicly, it's just an object with 4 props :
- wrap : options.
- pre : preloader configuration
- loader : loader configuration.
- post : postloader configuration.
Available loaders:
- AssetsFile : handle assets as file.
- AssetsUrl : handle assets as url (base64), or file if they're to big.
- Babel : handle ES6 with Babel (stage-2) and add linter.
- Css : handle CSS as string.
- CssExtract : handle CSS and extract in output file.
- CssInline : handle CSS and inline them in document head.
- Html : handle HTML.
- HtmlRaw : handle HTML as string.
- Js : handle JavaScript classicly and add linter.
- Json : handle JSON as file.
- Jsx : handle ES6 with Babel (stage-2), support React JSX and add linter.
- JsxFp : handle ES6 with Babel (stage-2), support React JSX and add linter with FP programing hard-rules.
- Pug : handle Jade/Pug file.
- Sass : handle SCSS as string.
- SassExtract : handle SCSS and extract in output file.
- SassInline : handle SCSS and inline them in document head.
- Stylus : handle Stylus as string.
- StylusExtract : handle Stylus and extract in output file.
- StylusInline : handle Stylus and inline them in document head.
- TypeScript : handle TypeScript and add linter.
- TypeScriptNg2 : handle TypeScript, Angular 2 template/style loader and add linter.
- Vue : handle Vue file.
Nota :
- Babel use stage-2 : you can use async/await, generator, ...
- Class decorator isn't available without TypeScript or polyfill.
- Css/Sass/Stylus loader have super-power : autoprefixer, group media-query and sort CSS properties.
- We use Xo linter for JavaScript (or Tslint with TypeScript).
- Unused code is removed with three-shaking.
Plugins are curried function who can be nullary or unary.
They return a function who will take WebPack configuration as argument (with mixins + loaders apply) and let you :
- Change WebPack configuration if needed.
- Return WebPack or personal plugins.
Available plugins :
- Analyzer : analyze your build size with statistic heatmap.
- AssetsGenerator : create assets.json file with assets path.
- Browser : start browser after compilation.
- Chunk : chunk and split code.
- Clean : clean file/directory before compilation.
- Copy : copy file/directory after compilation.
- Dashboard : enable WebPack dashboard on server. You need to install "webpack-dashboard" npm package.
- Define : define environment and global METADATA.
- DevTool : enable/disable dev-tool and debug mode.
- Extract : extract style (needed if you use CssExtract/SassExtract/StylusExtract loader).
- ForkChecker: deserve TypeScript type check in other thread.
- Hmr : start Hot Module replacement.
- HtmlGenerator : copy an HTML file as "index.html" with script/style injection.
- Md5Hash : transform hash in md5.
- Minify : minify output.
- Ng2FixContext : mandatory when Angular 2 is used.
- NoError : disable error.
- ProgressBar : add progress bar in compilation.
- Provide : provide external module in global scope (useful for jQuery or external old-lib).
The Node.js Babel "Hello world"
npm init
npm i chocolatin --save-dev
mkdir src
touch build.js src/index.js
const myAsyncTask = () =>
new Promise(resolve =>
setTimeout(() => resolve('Async result'), 2000)
const main = async() => {
const result = await myAsyncTask();
console.log(`Result : ${result}`);
- Make Chocolatin configuration.
'use strict';
const {
mixins: { Io },
loaders: { Js },
plugins: { Analyzer, Clean, Define, ProgressBar, Minify },
} = require('chocolatin');
mixins: [
Io({ app: ['./src/index.js'] }, { path: './dist', filename: '[name].js' }, 'node'),
loaders: [Babel],
plugins: [
node ./build.js
How i can export Chocolatin configuration to WebPack 2 configuration ?
Simply use "provide" function.
For example, you can export Chocolatin configuration to Karma like the Angular 2 demo.
How i can add static assets in my project ?
Use Copy plugin : it take an array of object with from/to properties.
You can copy directory or files.
How i can manage template and style with Angular 2 ?
Use templateUrl and styleUrls in @Component with HtmlRaw, Css (or/and Sass/Stylus), TypeScriptNg2 loaders.
How i can use ES6/ES7 features ?
Use Babel or TypeScript loader.
How i can add a linter (EsLint or another) ?
You don't need to add linter.
We use Xo for JavaScript/Babel/Jsx/JsxFp loaders and TsLint for TypeScript/TypeScriptNg2 loaders.
How i can override linter rules ?
- For TypeScript, just make tslint.json file.
- For JavaScript, Babel or Jsx/JsxFp, you can't.
We will do later fix on loaders to make them more configurable.
How i can override Babel rules ?
Make .babelrc file.
How i can override TypeScript rules ?
Make tsconfig.json file.
How i can build multiple configuration for mono-repository big project ?
You can't, we will provide this later.