This module solves sparse symmetric positive definite linear systems,
by finding the Cholesky decomposition(the LDL^T
decomposition, and not
the LL^T
decomposition), and then doing forward substitution and
backward substitution. It is basically a Javascript port of the paper
"Algorithm 8xx: a concise sparse Cholesky factorization package". This
kind of solver has many applications in digital geometry processing.
npm install cholesky-solve
var choleskySolve = require('cholesky-solve')
const n = 10
var M = [
[2, 2, 1.5],
[1, 1, 1.0],
[1, 4, 0.02],
[5, 5, 1.2],
[7, 7, 1.6],
[4, 4, 2.6],
[3, 3, 1.1],
[4, 7, 0.09],
[4, 6, 0.16],
[0, 0, 1.7],
[4, 8, 0.52],
[0, 8, 0.13],
[6, 6, 1.3],
[7, 8, 0.11],
[4, 9, 0.53],
[8, 8, 1.4],
[9, 9, 3.1],
[1, 9, 0.01],
[6, 9, 0.56]
var b = [0.287, 0.22, 0.45, 0.44, 2.486, 0.72, 1.55, 1.424, 1.621, 3.759]
var P = require('cuthill-mckee')(M, n)
var solve = choleskySolve.prepare(M, n, P)
require("cholesky-solve").prepare(M, n, [P])
Decomposes M
into the Cholesky decomposition of the form LDL^T
. A
function is returned that can be used to solve the equation Mx = b
for some given value of b
a list of the matrix coefficients of the sparse matrix M
. These are
the coefficients on the diagonal and above the diagonal. The ones below the
diagonal do not need to be specified, since the matrix is symmetric.n
the dimension of the matrix M
encodes a permutation matrix that preconditions M
before the Cholesky decomposition is solved for. A possible algorithm for finding a good permutation is
Cuthill–McKee. See
the module cuthill-mckee for a
Javascript implementation.
Returns A function that takes a single argument b
. The function
returns the solution to the equation Mx = b
, encoded as a simple array.
NOTE the module does no sanity checking on the input arguments. It is assumed that the user knows what he/she is doing!