Color utilities for Node.js.
Conversion, modification, and color schemes of: RGB (at any bit depth), HSV, HSL, HSI, CYMK, YIQ, XYZ, xyY, L*a*b*, L*u*v*, Y'PbPr, and Y'CbCr. (More to follow.)
Table of Contents
- Install
- Usage
- Color Types and Conversions
- RGB: Red, Green, Blue
- HSV: Hue, Saturation, Value
- HSL: Hue, Saturation, Lightness
- HSI: Hue, Saturation, Intensity
- CMYK: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
- YIQ: NTSC Color
- xyY: CIE xyY
- Lab: CIELAB / L*a*b*
- Luv: CIELUV / L*u*v*
- YPbPr: Analog video component signals
- YCbCr: Digital video component signals
- Color Spaces and Standard Illuminants
- Modifying Colors
- Color Scheme Generation
- Mathematics
- Compiling from Source
npm install --save chromaticity-color-utilities
Any color can be converted to any other, with only a few caveats. Construction from()
, conversion to()
, and modification modify()
methods can be chained.
Object properties can be accessed directly, e.g. color.r
for the red channel value.
Most colors will retain their arguments as a part of their object properties, such as bitDepth, colorSpace, etc.
const Color = require('chromaticity-color-utilities')
let color1 = Color.from('rgb',[255,128,0]).to('hsv')
let color2 = Color.from('hex','ff3201').to('rec709rgb', { bitRate: 10 })
let color6 = Color.from('hex', 'ff00ff').to('lab',{
colorSpace: 'AdobeRGB',
referenceWhite: 'd50'
let color7 = Color.from('hsl',[300,100,50]).to('ypbpr',{kb:0.0722, kr:0.2126})
let color3 = Color.from('rgb',[255,0,0]).modify('blend', {with: Color.from('rgb',[0,255,0])})
let color4 = Color.from('rgb',[255,0,0]).modify('blend', {
with: Color.from('hex','00ff00'),
amount: 0.4
let color5 = Color.from('hex','ee5432').modify('blend', {
with: Color.from('rgb',[234, 100, 20, 64]),
amount: 1/3
let scheme1 = Color.from('rgb',[200, 180, 0]).scheme('splitComplement')
let scheme2 = Color.from('hsl',[180, 80, 48]).scheme('tetradic', { angle: 40 })
Color Types and Conversions
For all of the following examples, the same color is used (magenta / 0xFF00FF) to create the color.
RGB : Red, Green, Blue
All values are between 0 and ((2 ** bitDepth) - 1)
. With a default bit depth of 8, values are within 0-255. A color with a bit depth of 16 will have values ranging from 0-65535.
** 8-bit color is sometimes referred to as 24-bit or 32-bit (8 bits per channel, with 32-bit including an alpha channel). This package uses the more correct implementation of 32-bit meaning 32 bits per channel, and so generally most use cases would fall between 8 and 16 bit color depth.
** A special note: Adobe uses 15+1 bit depth for 16-bit color, where the last bit is simply added to the first 15 bits, hence the scale being
Color.from('rgb',[r, g, b, a?],{
bitDepth: number
bitDepth: number,
round: boolean
let color1 = Color.from('rgb',[255, 0, 255])
let color3 ='rgb')
let color4 = Color.from('rgb',[1023, 0, 1023], { bitDepth: 10 })
HSV : Hue, Saturation, Value
Hue value is between 0 and 360. Saturation, value, and alpha are between 0 and 100 (as in, percent).
Color.from('hsv',[h, s, v, a?])
round: boolean
let color1 = Color.from('hsv',[300, 100, 100])
let color3 ='hsv')
HSL : Hue, Saturation, Lightness
Hue value is between 0 and 360. Saturation, lightness, and alpha are between 0 and 100 (as in, percent).
Color.from('hsl',[h, s, l, a?])
round: boolean
let color1 = Color.from('hsl',[300, 100, 50])
let color3 ='hsl')
HSI : Hue, Saturation, Intensity
Hue value is between 0 and 360. Saturation, intensity, and alpha are between 0 and 100 (as in, percent).
Color.from('hsi',[h, s, v, a?])
round: boolean
let color1 = Color.from('hsi',[300, 100, 67])
let color3 ='hsi')
CMYK : Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
All values are between 0 and 100 (as in, percent).
** Calculations do not take pigment conversion into account and should not be used to reference printed colors.
Color.from('cmyk',[c, m, y, k])
round: boolean
let color1 = Color.from('cmyk',[0, 100, 0, 0])
let color3 ='cmyk')
YIQ : NTSC Color
- Y = luma
- I = in-phase
- Q = quadrature
When normalized:
- Y is between 0 and 255
- I and Q are between -128 and 128
When not normalized:
- Y is between 0 and 1
- I is between -0.5957 and 0.5957
- Q is between -0.5226 and 0.5226
Color.from('yiq', [y, i, q], {
normalized: boolean
normalize: boolean,
round: boolean
let color1 = Color.from('yiq',[105, 59, 128])
let color3 ='yiq')
let color4 = Color.from('yiq', [0.413, 0.2746, 0.5226], {normalized: false})
All values are between 0 and 1. XYZ is only defined within the constraints of a color space and reference white point of a standard illuminant. If one is not given, sRGB and D65 are used as the color space and standard illuminant.
- X = mix of three CIE RGB curves chosen to be non-negative
- Y = luminance
- Z = quasi-equal to blue
It is not often useful to convert to XYZ, as XYZ defines real-world light and is typically then converted to a digital representation (most commonly RGB), but the functionality is present nonetheless.
Available Color Spaces and Stardard Illuminants below.
Color.from('xyz', [x, y, z], {
colorSpace: string,
referenceWhite: string
colorSpace: string,
referenceWhite: string
let color1 = Color.from('xyz',[0.5928939, 0.2848479, 0.969638])
let color3 ='xyz')
let color4 = Color.from('xyz', [0.7589799, 0.3743439, 0.7643198], {
colorSpace: 'adobergb',
referenceWhite: 'd50'
xyY : CIE xyY
Derived from XYZ, x and y are chromaticity values while Y is the tristimulous value of a color.
Available Color Spaces and Stardard Illuminants below.
Color.from('xyy', [x, y, Y], {
colorSpace: string,
referenceWhite: string
colorSpace: string,
referenceWhite: string
let color1 = Color.from('xyy',[0.3209377411185291, 0.1541902211986945, 0.2848479])
let color3 ='xyy')
let color4 = Color.from('xyz', [
], {
colorSpace: 'adobergb',
referenceWhite: 'd50'
Lab : CIELAB / L*a*b*
Derived from XYZ.
- L* = lightness
- a* = position between red and green (negative indicates green, positive red)
- b* = position between blue and yellow (negative indicates blue, positive yellow)
Available Color Spaces and Stardard Illuminants below.
Color.from('lab', [l, a, b], {
colorSpace: string,
referenceWhite: string
colorSpace: string,
referenceWhite: string
let color1 = Color.from('lab',[
let color3 ='lab')
let color4 = Color.from('lab', [
], {
colorSpace: 'adobergb',
referenceWhite: 'd50'
Luv : CIELUV / L*u*v*
Derived from XYZ. L* is identical to L* in L*a*b*
Available Color Spaces and Stardard Illuminants below.
Color.from('luv', [l, u, v], {
colorSpace: string,
referenceWhite: string
colorSpace: string,
referenceWhite: string
let color1 = Color.from('luv',[
let color3 ='luv')
let color4 = Color.from('luv', [
], {
colorSpace: 'adobergb',
referenceWhite: 'd50'
YPbPr : Analog video component signals
Also written Y'PbPr or YPBPR.
- Y' = luma and sync (brightness/luminance and syncrhonization)
- Pb = difference between blue and luma (B - Y)
- Pr = difference between red and luma (R - Y)
YPbPr conversions require Kb and Kr constants with the exception of converting to YCbCr. These values are not yet included in this package.
- Kb = constant defined from target color space, such that Kb + Kr + Kg = 1
- Kr = constant defined from target color space, such that Kb + Kr + Kg = 1
Color.from('ypbpr', [y, pb, pr])
kb: number,
kr: number
yLower: number,
yUpper: number,
cLower: number,
cUpper: number
let color1 = Color.from('ypbpr',[
let color3 ='ypbpr',{
kb: 0.0722,
kr: 0.2126
let color4 ='ycbcr')
let color5 ='ycbcr',{
yLower: 0,
yUpper: 255,
cLower: 0,
cUpper: 255
YCbCr : Digital video component signals
Also written Y'CbCr, Y Pb/Cb Pr/Cr, YCBCR, or Y'CBCR.
- Y' = luma and sync (brightness/luminance and syncrhonization)
- Cb = difference between blue and luma (B - Y)
- Cr = difference between red and luma (R - Y)
YCbCr conversions require Kb and Kr constants with the exception of converting to YPbPr. These values are not yet included in this package.
- Kb = constant defined from target color space, such that Kb + Kr + Kg = 1
- Kr = constant defined from target color space, such that Kb + Kr + Kg = 1
Color.from('ycbcr', [y, cb, cr])
kb: number,
kr: number
yLower: number,
yUpper: number,
cLower: number,
cUpper: number
let color1 = Color.from('ycbcr', [73, 226, 243])
let color3 ='ycbcr',{
kb: 0.0722,
kr: 0.2126
let color4 ='ypbpr')
let color5 ='ypbpr',{
yLower: 0,
yUpper: 255,
cLower: 0,
cUpper: 255
Color Spaces and Standard Illuminants
For conversion to and from XYZ, xyY, L*a*b*, and L*u*v*, the following color spaces and standard illuminants have XYZ transformation matrices and reference white point vectors available:
Color Space | Standard Illuminants |
sRGB | D65, D50 |
CIE RGB | E, D50 |
Adobe RGB | D65, D50 |
Apple RGB | D65, D50 |
Best RGB | D50 |
Bruce RGB | D65, D50 |
ColorMatch RGB | D50 |
Don RGB 4 | D50 |
ECI RGB v2 | D50 |
Ekta Space PS5 | D50 |
NTSC RGB | C, D50 |
PAL / SECAM RGB | D65, D50 |
ProPhoto RGB | D50 |
SMPTE-C RGB | D65, D50 |
Wide Gamut RGB | D50 |
Color spaces and standard illuminant arguments are case-insensitive. Color space argument ignores any character not alphanumeric. Some common misspellings / words left out are also taken into account. (PAL / SECAM
is equivalent to palsecamrgb
Modifying Colors
Blending Two Colors
When blending two colors, the amount ∈ [0,1] refers to the percentage the second color is blended with the first. In other words, 0 means 0% of the second color and 100% of the first while 1 means 100% of the second color and 0% of the first.
let color3 = color1.modify('blend', {
with: color2,
amount: number
let color4 = Color.from('rgb',[255,0,0]).modify('blend', {
with: Color.from('hex','00ff00')
let color5 = Color.from('hex','ee5432').modify('blend', {
with: Color.from('rgb',[234, 100, 20, 64]),
amount: 1/3
Color Scheme Generation
Schemes can be generated from any color type. All methods return an array of colors, each the same as the input type. (If calling method on a color of type hsl
, all values of the returned array will be of type hsl
color.scheme(type: string)
color.scheme(type: string, {
angle: number
Complementary Schemes
Complementary color scheme generation has a fixed angle of 180°.
let color1 = Color.from('rgb',[255,0,255]).scheme('complement')
Analogous, Triadic, & Split Complement Schemes
These three methods are synonyms with different default angles.
.scheme('analogous', {
angle: number
.scheme('triadic', {
angle: number
.scheme('splitcomplement', {
angle: number
let color1 = Color.from('rgb',[255,0,255]).scheme('analogous')
let color2 = Color.from('rgb',[255,0,255]).scheme('triadic')
let color3 = Color.from('rgb',[255,0,255]).scheme('splitcomplement',{angle: 160})
Tetradic & Square Schemes
These two methods are synonyms, but that the square method has a fixed angle of 90°.
.scheme('tetradic', {
angle: number
let color1 = Color.from('rgb',[255,0,255]).scheme('tetradic',{angle: 42})
let color2 = Color.from('rgb',[255,0,255]).scheme('square')
Tint Scale
todo / not yet implemented
length: number,
distance: number
Shade Scale
todo / not yet implemented
length: number,
distance: number
Tint & Shade Scale
todo / not yet implemented
length: number,
distance: number
The following are the formulae used in the conversion algorithms. For succinctness, consider all values normalized ∈ [0, 1] unless stated otherwise.
Normalizing RGB
to achieve R,G,B ∈ [0, 1]
X' = X / ((2 ** bitRate) - 1)
X = X' * ((2 ** bitRate) - 1)
V = max(R,G,B)
C = V - min(R,G,B)
S = | 0 if V = 0
| C / V otherwise
| 0 if C = 0
H = | (G - B) / C if V = R
| (B - R) / C if V = G
| (R - G) / C if V = B
p = V * (1 - S)
q = V * (1 - S * H)
t = V * (1 - S * (1 - H))
| (V,V,V) if S = 0
| (V,t,p) if H < 1
| (q,V,p) if 1 < H <= 2
(R,G,B) = | (p,V,t) if 2 < H <= 3
| (p,q,V) if 3 < H <= 4
| (t,p,V) if 4 < H <= 5
| (V,p,q) otherwise
V = max(R,G,B)
C = V - min(R,G,B)
L = V - C / 2
S = | 0 if L = 0 or L = 1
| (V - L) / min(L, 1 - L) otherwise
R,G,B = V if S = 0
C = (1 - |2L - 1|) * S
x = C * (1 - |H mod 2 - 1|)
| (0,0,0) if H undefined
| (C,x,0) if 0 < H <= 1
| (x,C,0) if 1 < H <= 2
(R1,G1,B1) = | (0,C,x) if 2 < H <= 3
| (0,x,C) if 3 < H <= 4
| (x,0,C) if 4 < H <= 5
| (C,0,x) if 5 < H <= 6
m = L - C / 2
(R,G,B) = (R1 + m, G1 + m, B1 + m)
V = max(R,G,B)
C = V - min(R,G,B)
| 0 if C = 0
H = | ((G - B) / C) mod 6 if V = R
| ((B - R) / C) + 2 if V = G
| ((R - G) / C) + 4 if V = B
I = | 0 if C = 0
| (R + G + B) * (1 / 3) otherwise
z = 1 - |H mod 2 - 1|
C = (3I * S) / (1 + z)
x = C * z
| (0,0,0) if H undefined
| (C,x,0) if 0 < H <= 1
| (x,C,0) if 1 < H <= 2
(R1,G1,B1) = | (0,C,x) if 2 < H <= 3
| (0,x,C) if 3 < H <= 4
| (x,0,C) if 4 < H <= 5
| (C,0,x) if 5 < H <= 6
m = I * (1 - S)
(R,G,B) = (R1 + m, G1 + m, B1 + m)
L = V * (1 - S / 2)
S = | 0 if L = 0 or L = 1
| (V - L) / min(L, 1 - L) otherwise
V = L * S * min(L, 1 - L)
S = | 0 if V = 0
| 2 * (1 - L / V) otherwise
K = 1 - max(R,G,B)
C = | 0 if K = 1
| (1 - R - K) / (1 - K) otherwise
M = | 0 if K = 1
| (1 - G - K) / (1 - K) otherwise
Y = | 0 if K = 1
| (1 - B - K) / (1 - K) otherwise
R = (1 - C) * (1 - K)
G = (1 - M) * (1 - K)
B = (1 - Y) * (1 - K)
[Y] [0.299 0.587 0.114 ] [R]
[I] = [0.5959 -0.2746 -0.3213] * [G]
[Q] [0.2115 -0.5227 0.3112] [B]
Y ∈ [0,1]
I ∈ [-0.5957,0.5957]
Q ∈ [-0.5226,0.5226]
or, normalized
Y ∈ [0,255]
I ∈ [-128, 128]
Q ∈ [-128, 128]
Y ∈ [0,1]
I ∈ [-0.5957,0.5957]
Q ∈ [-0.5226,0.5226]
[R] [1 0.956 0.621] [Y]
[G] = [1 -0.272 -0.647] * [I]
[B] [1 -1.106 1.703] [Q]
M = 3x3 RGB to XYZ transformation matrix based on color space and standard illuminant reference white
for X = (R,G,B)
X' = | X / 12.92 if X <= 0.04045
| ((X + 0.055) / 1.055) ^ 2.4 otherwise
[X] [R']
[Y] = M * [G']
[Z] [B']
κ = 903.3, CIE-K
for X = (R,G,B)
X' = | 100 * (R / κ) if R <= 0.08
| ((R + 0.16) / 1.16) ^ 3 otherwise
[X] [R']
[Y] = M * [G']
[Z] [B']
Other color spaces
γ based on target color space
for X = (R,G,B)
X' = X ^ γ
[X] [R']
[Y] = M * [G']
[Z] [B']
M = 3x3 XYZ to RGB transformation matrix based on color space and standard illuminant reference white
[R'] [X]
[G'] = M * [Y]
[B'] [Z]
for X' = (R',G',B')
X = | X' * 12.92 if X' <= 0.0031308
| (X' * 1.055) ^ (1 / 2.4) - 0.055 otherwise
[R'] [X]
[G'] = M * [Y]
[B'] [Z]
ϵ = 0.008856, CIE-E
κ = 903.3, CIE-K
for X' = (R',G',B')
X = | X' * κ / 100 if X' <= ϵ
| 1.16 * X' ^ (1/3) - 0.16 otherwise
Other color spaces
γ based on target color space
[R'] [X]
[G'] = M * [Y]
[B'] [Z]
for X' = (R',G',B')
X = X' ^ (1 / γ)
XYZ to xyY
x = X / (X + Y + Z)
y = Y / (X + Y + Z)
Y = Y
xyY to XYZ
X = (x * Y) / y
Y = Y
Z = ((1 - x - y) * Y) / y
XYZ to L*a*b*
W is a 1x3 reference white vector based on standard illuminant
ϵ = 0.008856, CIE-E
κ = 903.3, CIE-K
X' = X / W[0]
Y' = Y / W[1]
Z' = Z / W[2]
f(n) = | n' ^ 1/3 if n > ϵ
| (κ * n' + 16) / 116 otherwise
L* = 116 * f(Y) - 16
a* = 500 * (f(X) - f(Y))
b* = 200 * (f(Y) - f(Z))
L*a*b* to XYZ
W is a 1x3 reference white vector based on standard illuminant
ϵ = 0.008856, CIE-E
κ = 903.3, CIE-K
L' = (L* + 16) / 116
a' = a* / 500 + L'
b' = L' - b* / 200
X' = | a' ^ 3 if a' ^ 3 > ϵ
| (116 * a' - 16) / κ otherwise
Y' = | (L' ^ 3 if L* > κ * ϵ
| L* * κ otherwise
Z' = | b' ^ 3 if b' ^ 3 > ϵ
| (116 * b' - 16) / κ otherwise
X = X' * W[0]
Y = Y' * W[1]
Z = Z' * W[2]
XYZ to L*u*v*
W is a 1x3 reference white vector based on standard illuminant
ϵ = 0.008856, CIE-E
κ = 903.3, CIE-K
Y' = Y / W[1]
d = X + 15 * Y + 3 * Z
u' = | 0 if d = 0
| 4X / d otherwise
v' = | 0 if d = 0
| 9Y / d otherwise
L* = | 116 * Y' ^ 1/3 if Y' > ϵ
| Y' * κ otherwise
u'r = (4 * W[1]) / (W[0] + 15 * W[1] + 3 * W[2])
v'r = (9 * W[1]) / (W[0] + 15 * W[1] + 3 * W[2])
u* = 13 * L* * (u' - u'r)
v* = 13 * L* * (v' - v'r)
L*u*v* to XYZ
W is a 1x3 reference white vector based on standard illuminant
ϵ = 0.008856, CIE-E
κ = 903.3, CIE-K
Y = | ((L* + 16) / 116) ^ 3 if L* > κ * ϵ
| L* / κ otherwise
u0 = (4 * W[0]) / (W[0] + 15 * W[1] + 3 * W[2])
v0 = (9 * W[0]) / (W[0] + 15 * W[1] + 3 * W[2])
a = 1/3 * (((52 * L*) / (u* + 13 * L* * u0))) - 1)
b = -5Y
c = -1/3
d = Y * (((39 * L*) / (v* + 13 * L* * v0)) - 5)
X = (d - b) / (a - c)
Z = X * a + b
RGB to YPbPr
Kb and Kr constants defined from target color space
Kg = 1 - Kb - Kr
Y = Kr * R + Kg * G + Kb * B
Pb = 0.5 * ((B - Y) / (1 - Kb))
Pr = 0.5 * ((R - Y) / (1 - Kr))
YPbPr to YCbCr
Scaling bounds given by conversion method / target space. Such as:
Y scaled to: 0 - 255 JPEG
16 - 235 Rec709
Cb, Cr scaled to: 0 - 255 JPEG
16 - 245 Rec709
YCbCr to YPbPr
Y scaled to: 0 - 1
Pb, Pr scaled to: -0.5 - 0.5
YPbPr to RGB
Kb and Kr constants defined from target color space
Kg = 1 - Kb - Kr
R = Y + (2 - 2Kr) * Pr
G = Y + (-1 * (Kb / Kg) * (2 - 2Kb)) * Pb + (-1 * (Kr / Kg) * (2 - 2Kr)) * Pr
B = Y + (2 - 2Kb) * Pb
Compiling from Source
git clone
cd chromaticity-color-utilities
npm install