NodeJS stack for resilient web-apps (with forever-clusters-connect-urlrouter-domain-httboom)
«per me è la cipolla» ~Pedro
Writing solid error-proof web applications in nodejs is sometimes hard; we've built this wrapper to simplify our job of running, monitoring and maintaining business-critical applications.
It's not designed to be flexible but, instead, to fit perfectly our tools and developing process.
If you need to use library b
instead of a
feel free to fork this repo.
- Forever to automatically restart the application on crash or code changes
- Cluster to handle worker crashes and take advantage of multi-core systems
- Connect as the HTTP middleware, plus:
- Domains to handle unexpected errors / throws
- HTTBoom to handle user and application errors
npm -S install cipolla
See examples/
for a full working example,
You should create an error.jade
template to display User and Application Errors (see examples/views/error.jade
Env: production
Then, to start your application in production and run it forever, watching for file changes, simply use:
NODE_ENV=production nohup node app.js &
ensures the process will not be killed when you close the shell.
Env: development
When NODE_ENV !== 'production'
only a single worker is started and files are not watched for changes (use supervisor
or forever