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Use Node JS to scan files on your server with ClamAV's clamscan binary. This is especially useful for scanning uploaded files provided by un-trusted sources.

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0.6.0 (2015-01-02)

NOTE: There are some breaking changes on this release. Since this is still a pre-version 1 release, I decided to only do a minor bump to 0.4.0

  • The ability to run "forked" instances of clamscan has been removed because of irregularities with different systems--namely if you had max_forks set to 3, it would sometimes only scan the first or last file in the group... not good.
  • Added the ability to use clamdscan. This ultimately negates the downside of removing the forking capability mentioned in item one. This is a really big improvement (many orders of magnitude) if your system has access to the clamdscan daemon.
  • Added a file_list option allowing one to specify a text file that lists (one per line) paths to files to be scanned. This is great if you need to scan hundreds or thousands of random files.
  • clam_path option has been moved to clam.path
  • db option has been moved to clam.db
  • scan_archives option has been moved to clam.scan_archives
  • scan_files now supports directories as well and will obey your scan_recursively option.



NodeJS Clamscan Virus Scanning Utility

Use Node JS to scan files on your server with ClamAV's clamscan binary or clamdscan daemon. This is especially useful for scanning uploaded files provided by un-trusted sources.


You will need to install ClamAV's clamscan binary and/or have clamdscan daemon running on your server. On linux, it's quite simple.

Fedora-based distros:

sudo yum install clamav

Debian-based distros:

sudo apt-get install clamav

As for OSX, I've not tried it, but, here's a promising looking site: . I would stick with linux varieties, though...

This module is not intended to work on a Windows server. This would be a welcome addition if someone wants to add that feature (I may get around to it one day but have no urgent need for this).

How to Install

npm install clamscan

Licence info

Licensed under the MIT License:

Getting Started

All of the values listed in the example below represent the default values for their respective configuration item.

You can simply do this:

var clam = require('clamscan')();

And, you'll be good to go.

BUT: If you want more control, you can specify all sorts of options.

var clam = require('clamscan')({
    remove_infected: false, // If true, removes infected files
    quarantine_infected: false, // False: Don't quarantine, Path: Moves files to this place.
	scan_log: null, // Path to a writeable log file to write scan results into
	debug_mode: false // Whether or not to log info/debug/error msgs to the console
	file_list: null, // path to file containing list of files to scan
	scan_recursively: true, // If true, deep scan folders recursively
	clamscan: {
		path: '/usr/bin/clamscan', // Path to clamscan binary on your server
		db: null, // Path to a custom virus definition database
		scan_archives: true, // If true, scan archives (ex. zip, rar, tar, dmg, iso, etc...)
		active: true // If true, this module will consider using the clamscan binary
    clamdscan: {
		path: '/usr/bin/clamdscan', // Path to the clamdscan binary on your server
		config_file: null, // Specify config file if it's in an unusual place
		multiscan: true, // Scan using all available cores! Yay!
		reload_db: false, // If true, will re-load the DB on every call (slow)
		active: true // If true, this module will consider using the clamdscan binary
	preference: 'clamdscan' // If clamdscan is found and active, it will be used by default

Here is a non-default values example (to help you get an idea of what the proper-looking values should be):

var clam = require('clamscan')({
    remove_infected: true, // Removes files if they are infected
    quarantine_infected: '~/infected/', // Move file here. remove_infected must be FALSE, though.
    scan_recursively: true, // Choosing false here will save some CPU cycles
    scan_log: '/var/log/node-clam', // You're a detail-oriented security professional.
    debug_mode: true // This will put some debug info in your js console
	file_list: '/home/webuser/scan_files.txt', // path to file containing list of files to scan
	clamscan: {
		path: '/usr/bin/clam', // I dunno, maybe your clamscan is just call "clam"
		db: '/usr/bin/better_clam_db', // Path to a custom virus definition database
		scan_archives: false, // Choosing false here will save some CPU cycles
		active: false // you don't want to use this at all because it's evil
    clamdscan: {
		path: '/bin/clamdscan', // Special path to the clamdscan binary on your server
		config_file: __dirname + '/logs/clamscan-log', // logs file in your app directory
		multiscan: false, // You hate speed and multi-threaded awesome-sauce
		reload_db: true, // You want your scans to run slow like with clamscan
		active: false // you don't want to use this at all because it's evil
	preference: 'clamscan' // If clamscan is found and active, it will be used by default	


.is_infected(file_path, callback)

This method allows you to scan a single file.

  • file_path (string) Represents a path to the file to be scanned.
  • callback (function) Will be called when the scan is complete. It takes 3 parameters:
  • err (string or null) A standard error message string (null if no error)
  • file (string) The original file_path passed into the is_infected method.
  • is_infected (boolean) True: File is infected; False: File is clean.
clam.is_infected('/a/picture/for_example.jpg', function(err, file, is_infected) {
    if(err) {
        return false;

    if(is_infected) {
        res.send({msg: "File is infected!"});
    } else {
        res.send({msg: "File is clean!"});

.scan_dir(dir_path, end_callback, file_callback)

Allows you to scan an entire directory for infected files. This obeys your recursive option even for clamdscan which does not have a native way to turn this feature off. If you have multiple paths, send them in an array to scan_files.

TLDR: For maximum speed, don't supply a file_callback.

If you choose to supply a file_callback, the scan will run a little bit slower (depending on number of files to be scanned) for clamdscan. If you are using clamscan, while it will work, I'd highly advise you to NOT pass a file_callback... it will run incredibly slow.

  • dir_path (string) Full path to the directory to scan.
  • end_callback (function) Will be called when the entire directory has been completely scanned. This callback takes 3 parameters:
  • err(string or null) A standard error message string (null if no error)
  • good_files (array) List of the full paths to all files that are clean.
  • bad_files (array) List of the full paths to all files that are infected.
  • file_callback (function) Will be called after each file in the directory has been scanned. This is useful for keeping track of the progress of the scan. This callback takes 3 parameters:
  • err (string or null) A standard error message string (null if no error)
  • file (string) Path to the file that just got scanned.
  • is_infected (boolean) True: File is infected; False: File is clean.
clam.scan_dir('/some/path/to/scan', function(err, good_files, bad_files) {
    if(!err) {
        if(bad_files.length > 0) {
            res.send({msg: "Your directory was infected. The offending files have been quarantined."});
        } else {
            res.send({msg: "Everything looks good! No problems here!."});
    } else {
        // Do some error handling

.scan_files(files, end_callback, file_callback)

This allows you to scan many files that might be in different directories or maybe only certain files of a single directory. This is essentially a wrapper for is_infected that simplifies the process of scanning many files or directories.

  • files (array) A list of strings representing full paths to files you want scanned.
  • end_callback (function) Will be called when the entire directory has been completely scanned. This callback takes 3 parameters:
  • err A standard error message string (null if no error)
  • good_files (array) List of the full paths to all files that are clean.
  • bad_files (array) List of the full paths to all files that are infected.
  • file_callback (function) Will be called after each file in the directory has been scanned. This is useful for keeping track of the progress of the scan. This callback takes 3 parameters:
  • err (string or null) A standard error message string (null if no error)
  • file (string) Path to the file that just got scanned.
  • is_infected (boolean) True: File is infected; False: File is clean.
var scan_status = {
	good: 0,
	bad: 0
var files = [
clam.scan_files(files, function(err, good_files, bad_files) {
    if(!err) {
        if(bad_files.length > 0) {
                msg: good_files.length + ' files were OK. ' + bad_files.length + ' were infected!',
                bad: bad_files,
                good: good_files
        } else {
            res.send({msg: "Everything looks good! No problems here!."});
    } else {
        // Do some error handling
}, function(err, file, is_infected) {
	if(is_infected) {
	} else {
	console.log("Scan Status: " + (scan_status.bad + scan_status.good) + "/" + files.length);


Got a missing feature you'd like to use? Found a bug? Go ahead and fork this repo, build the feature and issue a pull request.



Last updated on 05 Jan 2015

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