Classwrap 0.3 KB JavaScript utility for conditionally concatenating class names.
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function ToggleButton({ toggle, isOn }) {
return (
<div class="btn" onclick={toggle}>
circle: true,
off: !isOn,
on: isOn
textOff: !isOn
{isOn ? "ON" : "OFF"}
Classwrap works in all browsers >=IE9 and you can use it with your favorite JavaScript view library.
Install with npm / Yarn.
npm i classwrap
Then with a module bundler like rollup or webpack, use as you would anything else.
import classwrap from "classwrap"
Or download the minified library from the CDN.
<script src=""></script>
You can find the function on window.classwrap
Classwrap joins all elements of an array or keys of an object into a string. If the value associated with a given key is falsy, the key will be ignored.
"btn-active": true,
"btn-large": false
Nested arrays or objects are supported too. Use this feature to assemble classes with a common prefix.
tab: {
"--success": true,
"--error": false,
"--pending": false
Classwrap was inspired by JedWatson/classnames with support for nested objects and improved performance. It differs from classnames in that it does not accept variable arguments.
classwrap("foo", "bar", "baz")
To solve this, wrap the arguments inside an array.
classwrap(["foo", "bar", "baz"])
Classwrap is MIT licensed. See LICENSE.