A CLI tool to copy files to be released into a tmp clean directory for npm publishing, electronjs packaging, docker image creation or deployment
npm i clean-release -g
run clean-release
or clean-release --config clean-release.config.js
key | type | description |
include | string[] | the files included, support glob |
exclude | string[]? | the files excluded, support glob |
base | string? | the base path, eg: dist , then dist/foo/bar.js will be copied into foo as foo/bar.js |
postScript | string? or string[] | used to publish to npm, eg: npm publish [dir] --access public |
releaseRepository | string? | used to publish to a git release repository, eg: https://github.com/plantain-00/baogame-release.git |
releaseBranchName | string? | the branch name of the release repository |
notClean | string? | if true, do not clean the tmp directory |
electronjs packaging demo
module.exports = {
include: [
exclude: [
postScript: [
'cd [dir] && npm i --production',
'electron-packager [dir] "news" --out=dist --arch=x64 --version=1.2.1 --app-version="1.0.8" --platform=darwin --ignore="dist/"',
'electron-packager [dir] "news" --out=dist --arch=x64 --version=1.2.1 --app-version="1.0.8" --platform=win32 --ignore="dist/"'