A mock shim for javascript remoting (special thanks to Dan Shahin)
Use to test local versions of single page salesforce apps without deploying to server
yarn add clearbit-jsr-mocks
Setup Mocks
const yourMock = { foo: 'bar' };
const remoting = vfr(
new vfrMocks({
getAccounts: {
method: (arg) => yourMock
Setup RemoteActions
In your VF page add something like the following to resolve the names of the remote actions.
window.vfr = {
getAccounts: '{!$RemoteAction.AccountController.getAccounts}',
Call the RemoteAction
In your ES6 code, add
arg => remoting({ method: 'getAccounts', args: [arg] });
clearbit-jsr-mocks utilizes a global object named vfr
to map your short method name to the fully qualified remote action name. However, you do not have to use this, you can specify the fully qualified remote action name. However, this approach is not dynamic-namespace safe, so is not recommended.
arg => remoting({ method: 'ns.AccountController.getAccounts', args: [arg] });