The crypto primitives used in cobox, extracted into a separate module
npm install cobox-crypto
const Crypto = require('cobox-crypto')
const crypto = Crypto()
const accessKey = crypto.accessKey()
keyPair = crypto.keyPair()
Returns an ed25519
keypair that can used for tree signing.
const symKey = crypto.symmetricKey()
Returns an ed25519
symmetric key used for shared secret encryption
const accessKey = crypto.accessKey()
const accessKey = crypto.pack(pubKey, symKey)
Returns an access key, which consists of an ed25519
public key, packed together with an ed25519
symmetric key
const keys = crypto.unpack(key)
Returns an object containing a public key, and a shared secret if accessible. Public key alone is used for blind replication. The shared secret can then be used for decryption.
const valueEncoding = crypto.encoder(encryptionKey, {})
Returns a message encoder used for encrypting messages in hypercore. Can be passed to hypercore doing the following:
const accessKey = crypto.accessKey
const keys = crypto.unpack(accessKey)
var feed = hypercore(storage, keys.publicKey, {
valueEncoding: crypto.encoder(keys.symmetricKey, { valueEncoding: 'utf-8' })
feed.ready(() => {
feed.append("this is going to be encrypted", (err, seq) => {