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❤️ Thanks all to those who contributed to make this release! ❤️
🛩️ Features
🐛 Bug Fixes
📖 Documentation
❤️ Thanks all to those who contributed to make this release! ❤️
🛩️ Features
Now we expose the WebElements that are returned by the WebHelper and you could make the subsequence actions on them.
// Playwright helper would return the Locator
const webElements = await I.grabWebElements('#button');
Replaying from HAR
// Replay API requests from HAR.
// Either use a matching response from the HAR,
// or abort the request if nothing matches.
I.replayFromHar('./output/har/something.har', { url: "*/**/api/v1/fruits" });
harFilePath [string]( Path to recorded HAR file
opts [object]( [Options for replaying from HAR](
A HAR file is an HTTP Archive file that contains a record of all the network requests that are made when a page is loaded.
It contains information about the request and response headers, cookies, content, timings, and more.
You can use HAR files to mock network requests in your tests. HAR will be saved to output/har.
More info could be found here
recordHar: {
mode: 'minimal', // possible values: 'minimal'|'full'.
content: 'embed' // possible values: "omit"|"embed"|"attach".
await I.amOnPage('/form/select');
await I.selectOption('Select your age', '21-');
🐛 Bug Fixes
Emit the new event: event.workers.result.
CodeceptJS also exposes the env var `process.env.RUNS_WITH_WORKERS` when running tests with run-workers command so that you could handle the events better in your plugins/helpers.
const { event } = require('codeceptjs');
module.exports = function() {
// this event would trigger the `_publishResultsToTestrail` when running `run-workers` command
event.dispatcher.on(event.workers.result, async () => {
await _publishResultsToTestrail();
// this event would not trigger the `_publishResultsToTestrail` multiple times when running `run-workers` command
event.dispatcher.on(event.all.result, async () => {
// when running `run` command, this env var is undefined
if (!process.env.RUNS_WITH_WORKERS) await _publishResultsToTestrail();
replaced minify library with a modern and more secure fork. Fixes html-minifier@4.0.0 Regular Expression Denial of Service vulnerability #3829
AI class is implemented as singleton
refactored heal.js plugin to work on edge cases
add configuration params on number of fixes performed by ay heal
improved recorder class to add more verbose log
improved recorder class to ignore some of errors
Fixed this error:
locator.isVisible: Unexpected token "s" while parsing selector ":has-text('Were you able to resolve the resident's issue?') >> nth=0"
at Playwright.waitForText (node_modules\codeceptjs\lib\helper\Playwright.js:2584:79)
Currently inside the _before() of helpers for example Playwright, the retries is set there, however, when retryFailedStep plugin is enabled, the retries of recorder is still using the value from _before() not the value from retryFailedStep plugin.
- introduce the process.env.FAILED_STEP_RETIRES which could be access everywhere as the helper won't know anything about the plugin.
- set default retries of Playwright to 3 to be on the same page with Puppeteer.
When test title doesn't have the data in examples:
Feature: Faker examples
Scenario Outline: Below are the users
| user | role |
| John | admin |
| Tim | client |
Faker examples --
[1] Starting recording promises
Below are the users {"user":"John","role":"admin"}
✔ OK in 4ms
Below are the users {"user":"Tim","role":"client"}
✔ OK in 1ms
When test title includes the data in examples:
Feature: Faker examples
Scenario Outline: Below are the users - <user> - <role>
| user | role |
| John | admin |
| Tim | client |
Faker examples --
[1] Starting recording promises
Below are the users - John - admin
✔ OK in 4ms
Below are the users - Tim - client
✔ OK in 1ms
📖 Documentation