At the moment the coffee-script node.js module lacks proper support for stack-traces when compile coffeescript files.
This module adds the correct line and column indication in stack-traces for coffee-script modules loaded with require() or parsed using the coffeem command (which replaces coffee command).
to install :
npm install coffee-script-mapped
to run as a command line you can call coffeem
(which works exactly as the coffee command, except it'll have proper stacktraces)
- the "coffee-script-mapped" module exports the coffee-script module, so you can use it wherever you used the coffee-script module
- this module does not provide the "coffee-script" module, you need to provide it on you own (this is so that any version can be used)
- this module caches sourcemaps for all coffee-scripts, so it might create some overhead.
- you can pass
to the node or coffeem commands to disable this module (which will revert to the standard coffee-script module)
License MIT: