Collection Path Helper
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Library for collection path manipulation. Blazing fast, server and client side, lightweight and reliable. See Benchmarks section for numbers. This library is mainly designed to work with paths that are build based on Lodash get/set methods.
Example of paths that would work with this library:
[2].(2, 5][2]
[2].[2, 5][2]
.lorem[2].{{ipsum}}[3].dolor[{{sit}}].[2, 3)[2].(2, 3).({{consecteur}},3].[2, {{amet}}]
Also it would work with empty paths ("") since those are valid collection paths that are pointing to the root object/array/* in the collection.
To install via Node Package Manager (NPM) use the following command:
npm i collection-path-helper
NOTE: we guarantee compatibility down to NPM6 due to the construction that is fully synchronous, but we do use the stream api's for optimizations
Via Yarn
To install via Yarn use the following command:
yarn add collection-path-helper
Available methods
For a given collection path or for a string path fragment it will return the type of it or the type of the first fragment within the path.
It uses path explosion to separate various elements and then evaluates what type is the fragment in cause.
- {String} (Default: "") path
It returns as a {String} one of the following values:
- "object" if the first fragment is pointing to an object
- "array" if the first fragment is pointing to an array
- "unknown" if path is not a string, or if the path is an empty string
Undefined path
const PathHelper = require('collection-path-helper').PathHelper;
const path = undefined;
let result = PathHelper.getStartType(path);
Empty string path
const PathHelper = require('collection-path-helper').PathHelper;
const path = '';
let result = PathHelper.getStartType(path);
Path starting with array notation
const PathHelper = require('collection-path-helper').PathHelper;
const path = '[2].randomArrayOfObjects[2]';
let result = PathHelper.getStartType(path);
Path starting with object notation
const PathHelper = require('collection-path-helper').PathHelper;
const path = '.randomArrayOfObjects[2]';
let result = PathHelper.getStartType(path);
Path fragment which is array notation
const PathHelper = require('collection-path-helper').PathHelper;
const path = '[2]';
let result = PathHelper.getStartType(path);
Path fragment which is object notation
const PathHelper = require('collection-path-helper').PathHelper;
const path = '.randomArrayOfObjects';
let result = PathHelper.getStartType(path);
For a given collection path, it returns an array of exploded path fragments.
This is mainly based on the Lodash internal stringToPath method which can be found here: stringToPath
The big difference between the two is that this one supports string interpolations and mathematical notations such as intervals (inclusion, exclusion and mixed ones) whereas theirs don't.
Also if the path is not defined or is an empty string, an empty array will be returned.
- {String} (Default: "") path
It returns as a {String[]} path fragments.
Empty string path
const PathHelper = require('collection-path-helper').PathHelper;
const path = '';
let result = PathHelper.explodePath(path);
Multiple consecutive object notations path
const PathHelper = require('collection-path-helper').PathHelper;
const path = '.lorem.ipsum.dolor.sit.amet';
let result = PathHelper.explodePath(path);
Multiple consecutive array notations path
const PathHelper = require('collection-path-helper').PathHelper;
const path = '[0][0][2][3][5]';
let result = PathHelper.explodePath(path);
Complex path with mixed notations, interpolations and mathematical notations
const PathHelper = require('collection-path-helper').PathHelper;
const path = '.lorem[2].{{ipsum}}[3].dolor[{{sit}}].[2, 3)[2].(2, 3).({{consecteur}},3].[2, {{amet}}]';
let result = PathHelper.explodePath(path);
Literally the opposite of explodePath. For a given array of path fragments, it will return a composed (imploded) collection route/path.
INFO: If you pass a path like this '.lorem.ipsum.dolor' to explodePath and you get ['lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor'], and pass this array back to implodePath, the method will return "lorem.ipsum.dolor".
This happens because the dot at the start is usually a parsing shortcoming rather than being part of the standard way of defining collection routes.
- {String[]} (Default: "") pathFragments
It returns a path as a {String}.
Empty string path
const PathHelper = require('collection-path-helper').PathHelper;
const pathFragments = [];
let result = PathHelper.implodePath(pathFragments);
Multiple consecutive object notations path
const PathHelper = require('collection-path-helper').PathHelper;
const pathFragments = ['lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor', 'sit', 'amet'];
let result = PathHelper.implodePath(pathFragments);
Multiple consecutive array notations path
const PathHelper = require('collection-path-helper').PathHelper;
const pathFragments = ['[0]', '[0]', '[2]', '[3]', '[5]'];
let result = PathHelper.implodePath(pathFragments);
Complex path with mixed notations, interpolations and mathematical notations
const PathHelper = require('collection-path-helper').PathHelper;
const pathFragments = ['lorem', '[2]', '{{ipsum}}', '[3]', 'dolor', '[{{sit}}]', '[2, 3)', '[2]', '(2, 3)', '({{consecteur}},3]', '[2, {{amet}}]'];
let result = PathHelper.implodePath(pathFragments);
Commercial license
Although the libraries are completely free, if you are using them in projects that generate revenue, please consider donating to keep them free for the future and for other developers. You can do this via the following methods:
Open-source license
This library is free for personal and non-commercial use under the GNU AGPLv3.
The following results were obtained running the benchmarks on the following configuration:
- Processor: Intel® Core™i7 Quad Core Processor i7-6700k (4.0GHz) 8MB Cache
- RAM: 64GB HyperX IMPACT 2400MHz SODIMM DDR4 (4 x 16GB)
- Graphics Card: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1080 - 8.0GB GDDR5 Video RAM
- Storage: 256GB SAMSUNG SM961 M.2, PCIe NVMe (up to 3100MB/R, 1400MB/W)
- OS: *64 bit nix based OS
name opsPerSec error testsRan cycles length
--------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----- ---------- ------ ------
getStartType (empty string) 945144515.5 0.24 47970031 7 94
getStartType (object start) 950588409.2 0.12 47888952 7 96
getStartType (array start) 106863541.3 0.53 5633201 7 90
getStartType (complex path) (1) 947489062.5 0.2 47879421 6 93
getStartType (complex path) (2) 948591546.4 0.13 47906246 8 95
getStartType (complex path) (3) 70311894.9 0.38 3649623 6 95
getStartType (complex path) (4) 414879395.9 0.13 20901102 9 97
explodePath (complex path) (1) 419294.2 0.36 21517 4 93
explodePath (complex path) (2) 399098.1 0.46 21363 3 94
explodePath (complex path) (3) 421099.4 0.59 22654 4 93
explodePath (complex path) (4) 3222742.2 0.48 167079 6 91
implodePath (complex path) (1) 3646287.6 0.75 191886 6 95
implodePath (complex path) (2) 3379090.2 0.38 176387 6 94
implodePath (complex path) (3) 5545949.4 0.42 291257 7 93
implodePath (complex path) (4) 6262703.9 0.48 329831 5 91
removePathLevels (complex path) (1) 340498 0.94 17606 6 95
removePathLevels (complex path) (2) 319459.3 1.72 16759 5 92
removePathLevels (complex path) (3) 367775.5 0.4 18968 3 95
removePathLevels (complex path) (4) 974181.1 0.48 50889 3 92
getSubPaths (complex path) (1) 215866.3 1.72 11721 7 92
getSubPaths (complex path) (2) 206838.8 1.29 11029 3 93
getSubPaths (complex path) (3) 277043.3 3.21 16271 6 85
getSubPaths (complex path) (4) 603070.7 0.56 33305 3 91
replacePathArraysWithString (simple path) (1) 350466.8 1.13 18511 5 92
replacePathArraysWithString (simple path) (2) 799287 0.44 45006 3 90
replacePathArraysWithString (complex path) (1) 319753.5 1.17 16835 3 91
replacePathArraysWithString (complex path) (2) 299233.3 1.52 16172 3 90
replacePathArraysWithString (complex path) (3) 352864.7 1.69 18884 4 87
replacePathArraysWithString (complex path) (4) 916354.6 0.44 47722 6 96
extractFromArrayNotation (string) 7882417.5 0.64 413785 5 93
extractFromArrayNotation (interpolation) 7825620.8 0.43 405840 5 91
extractFromArrayNotation (number) 9140698.9 2.85 528958 5 83
getPathIterators (complex path) (1) 124239.3 1.28 6496 6 89
getPathIterators (complex path) (2) 112085.3 1.76 5997 3 91
getPathIterators (complex path) (3) 179751 2.24 10226 3 86
getPathIterators (complex path) (4) 189684.6 1.69 10817 4 84
getPathIterators (complex path) (1) (return array) 87802.3 2.03 4971 4 89
getPathIterators (complex path) (2) (return array) 79076.9 1.53 4391 3 89
getPathIterators (complex path) (3) (return array) 146176.8 1.7 8179 4 87
getPathIterators (complex path) (4) (return array) 159441 1.41 9344 5 86
getPathSignature (complex path) (1) 336470.5 2.12 18894 6 88
getPathSignature (complex path) (2) 325745.9 1.26 18263 3 87
getPathSignature (complex path) (3) 367434.3 1.55 20579 3 89
getPathSignature (complex path) (4) 1723962.1 1.14 101522 3 85
getPathSignature (complex path) (1) (getPath: true) 270793.7 1.56 15480 8 88
getPathSignature (complex path) (2) (getPath: true) 248891.8 1.64 14083 4 87
getPathSignature (complex path) (3) (getPath: true) 304556.5 1.49 16910 4 88
getPathSignature (complex path) (4) (getPath: true) 958127.2 1.49 53366 5 85
isSubPath (complex path) (1) 51990.7 1.68 2928 5 88
isSubPath (complex path) (2) 49185.4 2.43 2805 3 86
isSubPath (complex path) (3) 85161.3 2.48 4816 4 87
isSubPath (complex path) (4) 93414.7 2.05 5355 3 87
getComposite (complex data) (1) 2045.7 2.32 118 3 86
getComposite (complex data) (2) 1660.9 2.06 96 2 87
getComposite (complex data) (3) 1001.8 1.7 57 2 86
Lodash.get 5268603.1 1.41 297240 5 85
get 3721828.2 1.53 208025 8 85
Average 78127108.63 1.23 3957539.81 4.72 89.95
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