A modern JavaScript library delivering fast and modular color utils.
Basic Overview
Collit is a modern JavaScript library delivering fast and modular color utils.
Our mission is to create a complete, fast, modular and well-documented library for any kind of color operations
(eg. parsers, converters, transformers, manipulation etc.).
Library can be used both in Node.js and directly in Browser.
It is well-documented and completely covered with test specs (excluding webpack bundling definitions and expressions).
If you want to add some features or to suggest any idea, feel free — contributions are always welcome.
What Included
There are several modules available in Collit so far:
- Converter — convert one specific color format into another. (Hex, RGB, HSL)
- Validator — validate CSS color values eg. #000, rgb(0,0,0), rgba(0,0,0,1), hsl(0,0%,0%) etc.
- Parser — parse CSS color values to Color objects.
How to Install
Using NPM
To use Collit with NPM simply call:
npm install --save collit
In Browser
To use Collit directly in browser simply download this repository and copy dist/collit.js into your project.
Next, include it on your .html page:
<script src="path/to/your/js/collit.js"></script>
Get Started
You are able to use Collit as the importable npm package or directly in browser.
In Node.js
import { Parser } from "collit";
var color = Parser.parseRgb("rgb(128,128,128");
In Browser
var Parser = Collit.Parser;
var color = Parser.parseRgb("rgb(128,128,128");
Convert one specific color format into another. (Hex, RGB, HSL).
Converts an HEX color value to RGB.
import Converter from "collit";
var rgb = Converter.hexToRgb("#333");
Converts an HEX color value to HSL.
Converting hex to hsl is done using a additional converting to RGB. HEX -> RGB -> HSL.
import Converter from "collit";
var hsl = Converter.hexToHsl("#333");
Converts an RGB color value to HEX.
import Converter from "collit";
var hex = Converter.rgbToHex({r: 51, g: 51, b: 51});
Converts an RGB color value to HSL.
var hsl = Converter.rgbToHsl({r: 11, g: 11, b: 11});
Converts an HSL color value to Hex.
Converting hsl to hex is done using a additional converting to RGB. HSL -> RGB -> HEX.
import Converter from "collit";
var hex = Converter.hslToHex({h: 0, s: 0.5, l: 0.3});
Converts an HSL color value to RGB.
import Converter from "collit";
var rgb = Converter.hslToRgb({h: 300, s: 0.5, l: 0.5});
Validator Helper that allows you to check if color is defined as a correct hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla CSS string or gradient defined correctly.
Check if target name is a valid CSS1, CSS2.1, CSS3 color name
import Validator from "collit";
var isColor = Validator.isColorName("black");
var isNotColor = Validator.isColorName("avadakedavra");
Check if target string is a valid hex color
import Validator from "collit";
var isHex = Validator.isHex("#333");
var isNotHex = Validator.isHex("#rgb");
Check if target string is a valid css rgb color definition
import Validator from "collit";
var isRgb = Validator.isRgb("rgb( 0, 0, 0 )")
var isNotRgb = Validator.isRgb("hsl( 0, 0, 100% )")
Check if target string is a valid css HSL color definition
import Validator from "collit";
var isHsl = Validator.isHsl("hsl(0,0%,0%)")
var isNotHsl = Validator.isHsl("hsl( 0, 5, 100% )")
Check if target string is a valid css rgba color definition
import Validator from "collit";
var isRgba = Validator.isRgba("rgba(255,255,255,.5)")
var isNotRgba = Validator.isRgba("hsla(255,100%,100%,.5)")
Check if target string is a valid css HSLa color definition
import Validator from "collit";
var isHsla = Validator.isHsla("hsla(0,0%,0%, .5)")
var isNotHsla = Validator.isHsla("hsl( 0, 5, 100% )")
Check if target string is a valid css color definition
import Validator from "collit";
var isColor = Validator.isColor("hsla(0,0%,0%, .5)")
var isColorToo = Validator.isColor("black")
var isNotColor = Validator.isColor("color")
Parser Helper allows you to parse a CSS based color definition into the ColorInfo object, which contains a hex, rgb and hsl values of target css value.
Parse a valid CSS1, CSS2.1, CSS3 color name into a set of hex, rgb and hsl values.
import Parser from "collit";
var color = Parser.parseColorName("black");
Parse a valid hex color into a set of hex, rgb and hsl values
import Parser from "collit";
var color = Parser.parseHex("#000");
Parse a valid css rgb color into a set of hex, rgb and hsl values
import Parser from "collit";
var color = Parser.parseRgb("rgb(128,128,128");
Parse a valid css hsl color into a set of hex, rgb and hsl values
import Parser from "collit";
var color = Parser.parseHsl("hsl(240,100%,50%");
Parse a valid css rgba color into a set of hex, rgb and hsl values
import Parser from "collit";
var color = Parser.parseRgba("rgba(255,0,0,.5)");
Parse a valid css hsla color into a set of hex, rgb and hsl values
@import Parser from "collit";
var color = Parser.parseRgba("hsla(0,255,0,.5)");
Contributing to Collit
Contributions are always welcome.
Before contributing please read the code of conduct &
search the issue tracker (your issue may have already been discussed or fixed).
To contribute, follow next steps:
- Fork Collit
- Commit your changes
- Open a Pull Request.
Feature Requests
Feature requests should be submitted in the issue tracker, with a description
of the expected behavior & use case, where they’ll remain closed until sufficient interest (e.g. 👍 reactions).
Before submitting a feature request, please search for similar ones in the closed issues.
The entire logic of modules is and should be based on use of the Color, LinearGradient and RadialGradient data types.
Color object
Describes a specific color as a set of hex, rgb and hsl values
hex: "#333",
rgb: { r: 51, g: 51, b: 51, a: 1 },
hsl: { h: 0, s: 0 l: 0.1 a: 1 }
- "R", "G" and "B" — should contains the numeric values between 0 and 255 (eg. 128).
- "H" — should contain the numeric value between 0 and 360 (eg. 270).
- "S", "L" and "A" — should contains a numeric value between 0 and 1 (eg. 0.5).
"A" — inside the rgb and hsl values is optional and can be omitted.
LinearGradientInfo object
Describes a specific set of linear gradient values.
angle: 45,
sideCorner: "top right"
colorStopList: [
position: 0,
color: { rgb: { r: 51, g: 51, b: 51, a: 1 } }
position: 1,
color: { hex: "#333" }
- angle — defines the angle (from 0 to 360) of gradient line. Can be omitted.
- sideCorner — defines the direction of gradient line. Can be on of "top", "right", "left", "bottom", "top right", "bottom right", "bottom left", "top left" values.
- colorStopList — contains a set of color-stop values.
- position - defines the optional color stop position. Can be set as percentage (from 0 to 1) or length (any CSS number — px, em, pc, in, mm... eg. "20px") value.
- color - defines the actual stop color. Should contain at least one of ColorInfo's value.
RadialGradientInfo object
Describes a specific set of radial gradient values.
position: [.25, .75],
shape: "circle",
extent: "closest-side",
colorStopList: [
position: 0,
color: { hsl: { h: 0, s: 0 l: 0.1 a: 1 } }
position: 1,
color: { rgb: { r: 51, g: 51, b: 51, a: 1 } }
- position — defines the position of the gradient, interpreted in the same way as css background-position property values. Can be set as a percentage (from 0 to 1) or length (any CSS number — px, em, pc, in, mm... eg. "20px") value. Can be omitted.
- shape — defines the actual shape of gradient. Can be set as "circle" or "ellipse" and can be omitted.
- extent - describes how big the ending shape must be. The possible values are: "closest-side", "closest-corner", "farthest-side", "farthest-corner"
- colorStopList — contains a set of color-stop values.
- position - defines the optional color stop position. Can be set as percentage (from 0 to 1) or length (any CSS number — px, em, pc, in, mm... eg. "20px") value.
- color - defines the actual stop color. Should contain at least one of ColorInfo's value.
Released under the MIT License