10469 color-names 🎨
A handpicked list of 10469 unique color names from various sources and thousands of user submissions. Try it yourself or read the full list.
The names of color function like a thread attached to a frightfully slender needle, capable of stitching together our most delicate emotions and memories. When the needle hits the target, we feel either pleasure or emathy. Kenya Hara – White
Process 📋
My goal is to create a as big as possible color name list. I merged different lists, modified the names when they where the same but had different hex values, and I shifted the colors a bit when the same color had different names but the same value.
Disclaimer 👉
In the process I try to remove all names that are offensive or racist. Since some names come from other list it might happen that some slip in. Please report them, they will be removed as quickly as possible.
Sources 🗒
Installation JS 📦
npm install color-name-list --save
yarn add color-name-list
color count: 10469
Usage JS ⌨
import namedColors from 'color-name-list';
let someColor = namedColors.find(color => color.hex === '#ffffff')
Create a new build 🔨
npm install && npm run build