What is color2k?
color2k is a lightweight and fast JavaScript library for color manipulation and conversion. It provides a variety of functions to work with colors, including conversion between different color formats, color mixing, and color adjustments.
What are color2k's main functionalities?
Color Conversion
Convert colors between different formats such as HEX to RGB.
const color2k = require('color2k');
const hexColor = '#ff5733';
const rgbColor = color2k.hexToRgb(hexColor);
console.log(rgbColor); // Output: { r: 255, g: 87, b: 51 }
Color Mixing
Mix two colors together with a specified ratio.
const color2k = require('color2k');
const color1 = '#ff5733';
const color2 = '#33ff57';
const mixedColor = color2k.mix(color1, color2, 0.5);
console.log(mixedColor); // Output: '#996645'
Color Lightening
Lighten a color by a specified amount.
const color2k = require('color2k');
const color = '#ff5733';
const lightenedColor = color2k.lighten(color, 0.2);
console.log(lightenedColor); // Output: '#ff8a66'
Color Darkening
Darken a color by a specified amount.
const color2k = require('color2k');
const color = '#ff5733';
const darkenedColor = color2k.darken(color, 0.2);
console.log(darkenedColor); // Output: '#cc4629'
Color Alpha Adjustment
Adjust the alpha (transparency) of a color.
const color2k = require('color2k');
const color = 'rgba(255, 87, 51, 1)';
const adjustedAlphaColor = color2k.alpha(color, 0.5);
console.log(adjustedAlphaColor); // Output: 'rgba(255, 87, 51, 0.5)'
Other packages similar to color2k
The 'color' package is a comprehensive library for color conversion and manipulation. It supports a wide range of color models and provides extensive methods for color operations. Compared to color2k, it is more feature-rich but also larger in size.
chroma-js is a powerful library for color manipulation and conversion. It offers a wide range of functions for color operations, including color scales and color blending. It is similar to color2k in terms of functionality but provides more advanced features for color analysis and visualization.
tinycolor2 is a lightweight library for color manipulation and conversion. It provides a simple API for common color operations and is known for its small footprint. Compared to color2k, tinycolor2 is slightly larger but offers a similar range of basic color manipulation functions.
a color parsing and manipulation lib served in roughly 2kB or less (2.8kB to be more precise)
color2k is a color parsing and manipulation library with the objective of keeping the bundle size as small as possible while still satisfying all of your color manipulation needs in an sRGB space.
The full bundle size is currently 2.8kB but gets as small as 2.1k with tree shaking.
Size comparison
👋 Compare tree-shaken bundle outputs on bundlejs.com
Install with a package manager such as npm
npm i color2k
OR use with skypack.dev in supported environments (e.g. deno, modern browsers).
import { darken, transparentize } from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/color2k?min';
import { darken, transparentize } from 'color2k';
darken('blue', 0.1);
transparentize('red', 0.5);
How so small?
There are two secrets that keep this lib especially small:
- Simplicity — only handles basic color manipulation functions
- Less branching in code — only support two color models as outputs, namely
and hsla
Why only rgba
and hsla
as outputs?
This lib was created with the use case of CSS-in-JS in mind. At the end of the day, all that matters is that the browser can understand the color string you gave it as a background-color
Because only those two color models are supported, we don't have to add code to deal with optional alpha channels or converting to non-browser supported color models (e.g. CMYK).
We believe that this lib is sufficient for all of your color manipulation needs. If we're missing a feature, feel free to open an issue 😎.
Heavy credits goes to polished.js and sass. Much of the implementation of this lib is copied from polished!
API and Documentation
Head over to the docs site