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A JavaScript library, written in TypeScript, to convert among different color models

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A JavaScript library, written in TypeScript, to convert among different color models

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Using NPM
npm install colortranslator
Using Yarn
yarn add colortranslator
In the browser

It is possible to include a compiled version of the package directly in an HTML file. It will create a global colortranslator object containing all the exported modules that can be accessed from anywhere in your JavaScript code.

  1. Copy the JavaScript file colortranslator.js, located in the dist/web/ folder
  2. Put it in the folder that you prefer in your web server
  3. Include it in your HTML file
<script src="wherever/you/installed/colortranslator.js"></script>
/* There will be a global variable named colortranslator containing all the modules */
Importing using CommonJS
const { ColorTranslator, Harmony, Mix } = require('colortranslator');
Importing using ES6 modules
import { ColorTranslator, Harmony, Mix } from 'colortranslator';



npm run build

Transpiles the TypeScript code and creates three bundles in the dist folder (index.js for commonjs, esm/index.js for ESM, and web/colortranslator.js to use directly in the browser).


npm run test

Runs multiple dynamic tests converting from / to all the color models available (excepting CMYK) using a table of colors.


npm run lint

Runs eslint in source files.


npm run demo

Opens a development server that provides live reloading using webpack-dev-server. Some demo examples located in the @demo folder will be shown. You can modify the code of the demos and the changes will be live reloaded in the browser.


Note: The conversion to a CMYK color is made taking a random value of black as a base (in this case, taking the greater value from red, green or blue). When a value of black is assumed, the rest of the colors can be calculated from it. The result will be visually similar to the original light color, but if you try to convert it back you will not obtain the same original value.


The most wonderful thing about colortranslator is that you don‘t need to specify the input that you are using, the library will recognise it automatically. The input can be a CSS string or an object:

CSS string inputs
Example of CSS string inputsDescription
fuchsiaColor keyword
#FF00FFHexadecimal color
#F0FShorthand hexadecimal color
#FF00FF80Hexadecimal color with alpha
#F0FFShorthand hexadecimal color with alpha
rgb(255, 0, 255)Functional RGB notation
rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.5)Functional RGB notation with alpha
rgb(255 0 255)Functional RGB notation (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
rgba(255 0 255 / 0.5)Functional RGB notation with alpha (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
rgba(255 0 255 / 50%)Functional RGB notation CSS with alpha in percenatages (Colors 4 space-separated)
hsl(300, 100%, 50%)Functional HSL notation
hsl(300grad, 100%, 50%)Functional HSL notation with hue in grads
hsl(300deg, 100%, 50%)Functional HSL notation with hue in degrees
hsl(5.24rad, 100%, 50%)Functional HSL notation with hue in radians
hsl(0.83turn, 100%, 50%)Functional HSL notation with hue in turns
hsla(300, 100%, 50%, 0.5)Functional HSL notation with alpha
hsl(300 100% 50%)Functional HSL notation (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
hsla(300 100% 50% / 0.5)Functional HSL notation with alpha (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
hsla(300 100% 50% / 50%)Functional HSL notation with alpha in percentages (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
cmyk(0%, 100%, 100%, 0%)Functional CMYK notation with percentages
cmyk(0%, 100%, 100%, 0%, 1)Functional CMYK notation with percentages and alpha
cmyk(0% 100% 100% 0%)Functional CMYK notation with percentages (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
cmyk(0% 100% 100% 0% / 1)Functional CMYK notation with percentages and alpha (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
cmyk(0% 100% 100% 0% / 100%)Functional CMYK notation with percentages and alpha in percentages (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
cmyk(0, 1, 1, 0)Functional CMYK notation with numbers
cmyk(0, 1, 1, 0, 1)Functional CMYK notation with numbers and alpha
cmyk(0 1 1 0)Functional CMYK notation with numbers (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
cmyk(0 1 1 0 / 1)Functional CMYK notation with numbers and alpha (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
cmyk(0 1 1 0 / 100%)Functional CMYK notation with numbers and alpha in percentages (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
device-cmyk(0%, 100%, 100%, 0%)Device-dependent functional CMYK notation with percentages
device-cmyk(0%, 100%, 100%, 0%, 1)Device-dependent functional CMYK notation with percentages and alpha
device-cmyk(0% 100% 100% 0%)Device-dependent functional CMYK notation with percentages (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
device-cmyk(0% 100% 100% 0% / 1)Device-dependent functional CMYK notation with percentages and alpha (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
device-cmyk(0% 100% 100% 0% / 100%)Device-dependent functional CMYK notation with percentages and alpha in percentages (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
device-cmyk(0, 1, 1, 0)Device-dependent functional CMYK notation with numbers
device-cmyk(0, 1, 1, 0, 1)Device-dependent functional CMYK notation with numbers and alpha
device-cmyk(0 1 1 0)Device-dependent functional CMYK notation with numbers (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
device-cmyk(0 1 1 0 / 1)Device-dependent functional CMYK notation with numbers and alpha (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
device-cmyk(0 1 1 0 / 100%)Device-dependent functional CMYK notation with numbers and alpha in percentages (CSS Colors 4 space-separated)
Object inputs
Example of object inputsDescription
{r: "0xFF", g: "0x00", b: "0xFF"}Hexadecimal color
{r: "0xF", g: "0x0", b: "0xF"}Shorthand hexadecimal color
{r: "0xFF", g: "0x00", b: "0xFF", a: "0x80"}Hexadecimal color with alpha
{r: "0xF", g: "0x0", b: "0xF", a: "0xF"}Shorthand hexadecimal color with alpha
{r: 255, g: 0, b: 255}RGB notation
{r: 255, g: 0, b: 255, a: 0.5}RGB notation with alpha
{h: 300, s: "100%", l: "50%"}HSL notation using percentages
{h: 300, s: 100, l: 50}HSL notation using numbers
{h: 300, s: "100%", l: "50%", a: 0.5}HSL notation with alpha using percentages
{h: 300, s: 100, l: 50, a: 0.5}HSL notation with alpha using numbers
{c: "0%", m: "100%", y: "100%", k: "0%"}CMYK notation using percentages
{c: 0, m: 1, y: 1, k: 0}CMYK notation using numbers
Class instantiation
ColorTranslator(color: ColorInput, decimals?: number = 6)

It is possible to instantiate the class using any of the previous inputs:

Class instantiation examples
const keyword = new ColorTranslator('deeppink');

const hex = new ColorTranslator('#FF00FF');

const rgb = new ColorTranslator('rgb(255, 0, 0)');

const hsl = new ColorTranslator('hsl(50, 20%, 90%)');

const hsla = new ColorTranslator({ r: 115, g: 200, b: 150, a: 0.5 });

const cmyk = new ColorTranslator({ c: 100, m: 100, y: 0, k: 0 });
Class public methods

There are 11 chainable public methods and all of them accept a number as input:

Public methodsInputDescription
setH0 ≤ input ≤ 360Set the color hue
setS0 ≤ input ≤ 100Set the color saturation percentage
setL0 ≤ input ≤ 100Set the color lightness percentage
setR0 ≤ input ≤ 255Set the red value of the color
setG0 ≤ input ≤ 255Set the green value of the color
setB0 ≤ input ≤ 255Set the blue value of the color
setC0 ≤ input ≤ 100Set the CMYK cyan percentage value of the color
setM0 ≤ input ≤ 100Set the CMYK magenta percentage value of the color
setY0 ≤ input ≤ 100Set the CMYK yellow percentage value of the color
setK0 ≤ input ≤ 100Set the CMYK black percentage value of the color
setA0 ≤ input ≤ 1Set the alpha value of the color
setDecimalsnumberSet the maximum number of decimals for the color values
Class public methods examples

You can also consult the demo 1 and the demo 2 to check the use of the public methods.

const color = new ColorTranslator('#FF00FF');


Class public readonly properties

There are 7 properties to get the CSS representation of the color:

HEXGet the the object hex representation of the color
HEXAGet the the object hexa representation of the color
RGBGet the the object rgb representation of the color
RGBAGet the the object rgba representation of the color
HSLGet the the object hsl representation of the color
HSLAGet the the object hsla representation of the color
CMYKGet the the object cmyk representation of the color

There are 7 properties to get the object representation of the color:

HEXObjectGet the the object hex representation of the color
HEXAObjectGet the the object hexa representation of the color
RGBObjectGet the the object rgb representation of the color
RGBAObjectGet the the object rgba representation of the color
HSLObjectGet the the object hsl representation of the color
HSLAObjectGet the the object hsla representation of the color
CMYKObjectGet the the object cmyk representation of the color

There are 11 properties to get the individual color values:

HGet the color hue
SGet the color saturation percentage
LGet the color lightness percentage
RGet the red value of the color
GGet the green value of the color
BGet the blue value of the color
CGet the CMYK cyan percentage value of the color
MGet the CMYK magenta percentage value of the color
YGet the CMYK yellow percentage value of the color
KGet the CMYK black percentage value of the color
AGet the alpha value of the color

And a property to get the maximum number of decimals for the color calculations

decimalsGet maximum number of decimals for the color values calculations
Class public properties examples

You can also consult the demo 1 and the demo 2 to check the use of the public properties.

const color = new ColorTranslator('#FF00FF', 2);

color.R; // 255
color.G; // 0
color.B; // 255
color.RGB; // rgb(255,0,255)
color.HSLA; // hsla(300,100%,50%,1)
color.decimals; // 2
Class static methods

For the static methods, it is not needed to specify the input color model, the API will detect the format automatically. It is only needed to specify to which color model one wants to convert calling the specific static method.

There are 22 static methods available, 7 of them to convert colors, 6 to create color blends, one to get shades, one to get tints, 6 to mix colors, and one to create color harmonies.

Color conversion static methods

The static methods to convert colors accept any of the mentioned inputs as the first parameter. The second parameter is optional and it specifies if the output should be a CSS string or an object. The third parameter is also optional and it indicates the maximum number of decimals for the color values calculations (by default 6):

  color: string | object,
  css: boolean = true,
  decimals: number = 6
Color conversion static methods description
Static methodDescription
toHEXConvert to an hexadecimal notation
toHEXAConvert to an hexadecimal notation with alpha
toRGBConvert to an RGB notation
toRGBAConvert to an RGB notation with alpha
toHSLConvert to an HSL notation
toHSLAConvert to an HSL notation with alpha
toCMYKConvert to a CMYK notation
Color conversion static methods examples
ColorTranslator.toHEX('gold'); // #FFD700

ColorTranslator.toRGB('#FF00FF'); // rgb(255,0,255)

ColorTranslator.toRGBA('hsl(50, 20%, 90%)', true, 0); // rgba(235,233,224,1)

ColorTranslator.toHSL('rgb(255, 0, 0)'); // hsl(0,100%,50%)

ColorTranslator.toHSLA('rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.5)'); // hsla(180,100%,50%,0.5)

ColorTranslator.toCMYK('#F0F', false); // {c: 0, m: 100, y: 0, k: 0}

ColorTranslator.toCMYK('#F0F'); // cmyk(0%,100%,0%,0%)

ColorTranslator.toRGB({ h: 115, s: '70%', l: '45%' }, true, 0); // rgb(48,195,34)

ColorTranslator.toHSLA({ r: 115, g: 200, b: 150, a: 0.5 }, true, 1); // hsla(144.7,43.6%,61.8%,0.5)

ColorTranslator.toHSLA({ r: 95, g: 23, b: 12, a: Math.SQRT1_2 }, true, 4); // hsla(7.9518,77.5701%,20.9804%,0.7071)

You can also consult the demo 3, and the demo 4 to check the use of these static methods.

Color blends static methods

The static methods to create color blends accept any of the mentioned inputs as the first and second parameter, the third parameter is optional and it is the number of steps of the blending. The fourth parameter is also optional and it specifies if the output colors should be CSS strings or objects. And the fifth parameter is also optional and it indicates the maximum number of decimals for the color values calculations (by default 6):

  fromColor: string | object,
  toColor: string | object,
  steps: number = 5,
  css: boolean = true,
  decimals: number = 6
Color blends static methods description
Static methodDescription
getBlendHEXCreate an array relative to the blend between two colors in hexadecimal notation
getBlendHEXACreate an array relative to the blend between two colors in hexadecimal notation with alpha
getBlendRGBCreate an array relative to the blend between two colors in RGB notation
getBlendRGBACreate an array relative to the blend between two colors in RGB notation with alpha
getBlendHSLCreate an array relative to the blend between two colors in HSL notation
getBlendHSLACreate an array relative to the blend between two colors in HSL notation with alpha
Color blends static methods examples
ColorTranslator.getBlendHEX('#FF0000', '#0000FF', 5);

// [
//   "#FF0000",
//   "#BF003F",
//   "#7F007F",
//   "#3F00BF",
//   "#0000FF"
// ]

ColorTranslator.getBlendHSLA('#FF000000', '#0000FFFF', 3);

// [
//   "hsla(0,100%,50%,0)",
//   "hsla(300,100%,25%,0.5)",
//   "hsla(240,100%,50%,1)"
// ]

ColorTranslator.getBlendRGBA('#F000', 'rgba(0,0,255,1)', 5, false);

// [
//   {r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0},
//   {r: 191.25, g: 0, b: 63.75, a: 0.25},
//   {r: 127.5, g: 0, b: 127.5, a: 0.5},
//   {r: 63.75, g: 0, b: 191.25, a: 0.75},
//   {r: 0, g: 0, b: 255, a: 1}
// ]

You can also consult the demo 5 to check the use of these static methods.

Color shades and color tints static methods

The static methods to get shades or tints of a color accept any of the mentioned inputs as the first parameter. The second parameter specifies the number of shades or tints that should be returned and the third parameter is optional and it indicates the maximum number of decimals for the color values calculations (by default 6). This method will return the colors in the same format that was sent as input:

  color: string | object,
  shades: number,
  decimals: number = 6

  color: string | object,
  tints: number,
  decimals: number = 6
Color shades and color tints static methods description
Static methodDescription
getShadesGet shades of a colour (mix the color with black increasing its darkness)
getTintsGet tints of a colour (mix the color with white increasing its lightness)
Color shades and color tints static methods examples
ColorTranslator.getShades('#FF0000', 5);

// [
//   "#D40000",
//   "#AA0000",
//   "#800000",
//   "#550000",
//   "#2A0000"
// ]

ColorTranslator.getTints({r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0.5}, 5);

// [
//   {r: 255, g: 42.5, b: 42.5, a: 0.5},
//   {r: 255, g: 85, b: 85, a: 0.5},
//   {r: 255, g: 127.5, b: 127.5, a: 0.5},
//   {r: 255, g: 170, b: 170, a: 0.5},
//   {r: 255, g: 212.5, b: 212.5, a: 0.5}
// ]

You can also consult the demo 6 to check the use of these static methods.

Color mix static methods

The static methods to mix colors accept an array of any of the mentioned inputs as the first parameter. The second parameter is optional and specifies the mixing mode (by default it will be Mix.ADDITIVE). The third parameter is also optional and it specifies if the output should be a CSS string or an object, and the fourth parameter is also optional and it indicates the maximum number of decimals for the color values calculations (by default 6):

Note: The subtractive mix simulates the mixing of pigments, to achieve this, the rgb colors are converted to ryb color model, the addition is performed in this mode and at the end the result is converted back to rgb. The result is OK most of the time, but as this is not a real mix of pigments, sometimes the result could differ from the reality.

  colors: [string | object][],
  mode: Mix = Mix.ADDITIVE,
  css: boolean = true,
  decimals: number = 6
Color mix static methods description
Static methodDescription
getMixHEXGet the mix of the input colors in hexadecimal notation
getMixHEXAGet the mix of the input colors in hexadecimal notation with alpha
getMixRGBGet the mix of the input colors in RGB notation
getMixRGBAGet the mix of the input colors in RGB notation with alpha
getMixHSLGet the mix of the input colors in HSL notation
getMixHSLAGet the mix of the input colors in HSL notation with alpha
Color mix static methods examples
ColorTranslator.getMixHEX(['#FF0000', '#0000FF']);

// #FF00FF

ColorTranslator.getMixHSL(['rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)', '#00FF00']);

// hsl(60,100%,50%)

ColorTranslator.getMixHEXA(['#F00', 'rgb(0, 0, 255)'], Mix.ADDITIVE, false);

// { r: '0xFF', g: '0x00', b: '0xFF', a: '0xFF' }

ColorTranslator.getMixHEX(['#FF0', '#F00'], Mix.SUBTRACTIVE);

// #FF8800

You can also consult the demo 7 and demo 8 to check the use of these static methods.

Color harmonies static method

The static method to create color harmonies accepts four parmeters, the first one could be any of the mentioned inputs, the second one is optional and it is to specify the kind of harmony (by default it will be Harmony.COMPLEMENTARY), the third one is also optional and it specifies if the returned harmony is based on additive or subtractive colors (by default it will be Mix.ADDITIVE), and the fourth parameter is also optional and it indicates the maximum number of decimals for the color values calculations (by default 6). This method will return the colors in the same format that was sent as input:

  color: string | object
  harmony: Harmony = Harmony.COMPLEMENTARY,
  mode: Mix = Mix.ADDITIVE,
  decimals: number = 6
Color harmonies static method description
Static methodDescription
getHarmonyReturn an array of colors representing the harmony requested. The color output will be the same that was sent as input
Available armonies
HarmonyDescriptionReturned colors
ANALOGOUSReturns the same color plus the two relative analogous colours3
COMPLEMENTARYReturns the same color plus the relative complementary color2
SPLIT_COMPLEMENTARYReturns the same color plus the two relative split complementary colours3
SQUAREReturns the same color plus the three relative evenly square colours4
TETRADICReturns the same color plus the three relative tetradic colours4
TRIADICReturns the same color plus the two relative evenly triadic colors3
Color harmonies static method examples

// ["#FF00FF", "#00FF00"]

ColorTranslator.getHarmony('rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.5)', Harmony.ANALOGOUS);

// [
//   "rgba(0,255,255,0.5)",
//   "rgba(0,127.5,255,0.5)",
//   "rgba(0,255,127.5,0.5)"
// ]

ColorTranslator.getHarmony({ r: 115, g: 200, b: 150, a: 0.5 }, Harmony.COMPLEMENTARY, false, 2);

// [
//   {r: 115, g: 200, b: 150, a: 0.5},
//   {r: 200, g: 123.75, b: 115, a: 0.5}
// ]

ColorTranslator.getHarmony('#FF0000', Harmony.COMPLEMENTARY, Mix.SUBTRACTIVE);

// ["#FF0000", "#00FF00"]

You can also consult the demo 9 and demo 10 to check the use of this static method.

TypeScript Support

The package has its own type definitions, so it can be used in a TypeScript project without any issues. The next interfaces are exposed and can be imported in your project:


This type is returned by the HEXObject, and HEXAObject properties, the toHEX, toHEXA, getBlendHEX, getBlendHEXA, getMixHEX, and getMixHEXA methods (when the css property is false), and the getHarmony method (when the input is an HEXObject).

interface HEXObject {
    r: string;
    g: string;
    b: string;
    a?: string;

This type is returned by the RGBObject, and RGBAObject properties, the toRGB, toRGBA, getBlendRGB, getBlendRGBA, getMixRGB, and getMixRGBA methods (when the css property is false), and the getHarmony method (when the input is an RGBObject).

interface RGBObject {
    r: number;
    g: number;
    b: number;
    a?: number;

This type is returned by the HSLObject, and HSLAObject properties, the toHSL, toHSLA, getBlendHSL, getBlendHSLA, getMixHSL, and getMixHSLA methods (when the css property is false), and the getHarmony method (when the input is an HSLObject).

interface HSLObject {
    h: number;
    s: number;
    l: number;
    a?: number;

This type is returned by the CMYKObject property, and the toCMYK method.

interface CMYKObject {
    c: number;
    m: number;
    y: number;
    k: number;



Package last updated on 18 May 2023

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