Input an html table. Output controls to hide / show / move columns of that table.
With drop down open:
To play with an example, download and run:
npm run-script example
A basic implementation:
var cc = require('column-control');
var targetTable = document.querySelector('.target-table');
var opts = {
table: targetTable
var controls = cc(opts);
If you do not use the "columns" option (detailed below), then column-control will use the data in the first row of the target table as titles for the controls.
table : (required) this is a reference to the table you are
making controls for.
defaultColumns : an array of the column titles you want shown upon load.
Use this only if you are not using the "columns" option.
columns : this is an array of objects. each object holds options for
that column and may contain:
title : (string) what is displayed as the label in the
drop down and button control
default : (boolean) show/hide on load
additionalControl : (DOM element) use this is you'd like to drop some
additional html into the button control for each
column. Example coming soon.