What is command-exists?
The command-exists npm package is used to check if a given command is available in the system's PATH. It is useful for Node.js applications that need to ensure certain commands are installed before attempting to execute them.
What are command-exists's main functionalities?
Synchronous check
This feature allows you to synchronously check if a command exists in the system's PATH.
const commandExistsSync = require('command-exists').sync;
if (commandExistsSync('git')) {
console.log('Git exists!');
} else {
console.log('Git does not exist.');
Asynchronous check
This feature allows you to asynchronously check if a command exists in the system's PATH.
const commandExists = require('command-exists');
commandExists('git', function(err, commandExists) {
if(commandExists) {
console.log('Git exists!');
} else {
console.log('Git does not exist.');
Promise-based check
This feature provides a promise-based interface to check if a command exists, which can be used with modern async/await syntax.
const commandExists = require('command-exists');
.then(function(command) {
console.log('Git exists!');
}).catch(function() {
console.log('Git does not exist.');
Other packages similar to command-exists
The 'which' package is similar to 'command-exists' as it checks for the existence of a command. It is a Node.js implementation of the Unix 'which' command. It differs in that it provides the path to the executable if it exists, rather than just a boolean indicating existence.
The 'lookpath' package is another alternative that checks if a command exists in the system's PATH. It is similar to 'command-exists' but returns the full path of the command if it exists. It also supports Windows and is designed to be a lightweight solution.
While 'shelljs' is a more comprehensive shell scripting utility library, it includes a 'which' method that can be used to check for the existence of commands, similar to 'command-exists'. It provides additional shell-related functionalities beyond command checking.
node module to check if a command-line command exists
npm install command-exists
var commandExists = require('command-exists');
commandExists('ls', function(err, commandExists) {
if(commandExists) {
var commandExists = require('command-exists');
var commandExistsSync = require('command-exists').sync;
if (commandExistsSync('ls')) {
} else {
Add support for promises
Add synchronous version
Support for windows