Lens-like state management (for React).
Concave is not a general purpose state management library. It is intended for highly interactive UIs where the shape of the state is recursive and/or closely reflects the shape of the UI. Specifically, Concave is an strong candidate for page/form/diagram builder-type applications (written in React).
Why use Concave?
- Excellent for handling recursive application states.
- Use it where you need it. Not an all or nothing solution.
- Minimalistic and intuitive API.
Create your lens
import { createLens } from "concave";
export type Todo = {
description: string;
completed: boolean;
export type State = {
todos: Todo[];
const initialAppState: State = {
todos: [],
export const lens = createLens<State>(initialAppState);
Build your application
import ReactDOM from "react";
import { lens } from "./lens";
import { App } from "./components/App";
const store = lens.getStore();
store.subscribe(() => {
const currentState = store.getSnapshot();
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.querySelector("#root"));
root.render(<App state={lens} />);
import { Lens } from "concave";
import { State } from "../lens";
import { NewTodoForm } from "./NewTodoForm";
import { Todo } from "./Todo";
type Props = {
state: Lens<State>;
export const App = React.memo((props: Props) => {
const [todos, updateTodos] = props.state.todos.use({ completed: true });
const incomplete = todos.filter((todo) => !todo.completed);
const complete = todos.filter((todo) => todo.completed);
return (
{/* When creating a new TODO, append it to the list of existing todos. */}
<NewTodoForm onCreate={(todo) => updateTodos((prev) => [...prev, todo])} />
{incomplete.map((todo) => {
* Tranform data back into `Lens<Todo>`.
const lens = todo.toLens();
* Render using the unique `lens.$key` as the key.
return <Todo state={lens} key={lens.$key} />;
{complete.map((todo) => {
const lens = todo.toLens();
return <Todo state={lens} key={lens.$key} />;
import { Lens } from "concave";
import type { Todo } from "../lens";
type Props = {
state: Lens<Todo>;
export const Todo = React.memo((props: Props) => {
const [todo, setTodo] = props.state.use();
Thinking in lenses (for React developers)
From Selectors
If you have built React applications with Redux then you are probably familiar with selectors. A Redux selector is a "getter" from the monolithic application state meant to obfuscate the shape of that state from the rest of the application. Used correctly, they are a good application of the Law of Demeter.
import { State, User } from "./state";
export const getUser = (state: State): User => state.user;
export const getUserName = (state: State) => getUser(state).name;
The second "getter", getUserName
, is a "refinement" on getUser
. It gives us a way to write getUserName
in terms of the entire application state without revealing it. That is, getUserName
only needs to know the shape of User
, while getUser
can get it from the parent. And so on...
In Redux, state updates occur through dispatching actions. Lets consider how could look with explicit "setters" (... "setlectors"? :trollface:).
export const setUser = (state: State, user: User) => {
return {
export const setUserName = (state: State, name: string) => {
const user = getUser(state);
return setUser(state, {
Again, notice how the second "setter" relies on the first: setUserName
is a "refinement" of setUser
. Once more, setUserName
can rely on getUser
and setUser
in order to get and set the user on the global state without revealing it.
Now kiss!
In the most basic sense, a lens is just a getter and setter pair where their refinements are explicitly coupled to each other. When we define a way to get the user's name, lets also define the way to set it. Starting from the global state, each refinement focuses in on a smaller piece of data—which is why they are called lenses.
Lets start by writing a basic lens for the entire state.
const stateLens: BasicLens<State, State> = {
get(state: State): State {
return state;
set(prev: State, next: State): State {
return next;
This is the identity equivalent for a lens and not interesting, but now lets refine the lens for the user.
const userLens: BasicLens<State, User> = {
get(state: State): User {
return stateLens.get(state).user;
set(state: State, next: User): State {
const prev = stateLens.get(state);
return stateLens.set(state, {
And finally for the user name.
const userNameLens: BasicLens<State, string> = {
get(state: State) {
return userLens.get(state).name;
set(state: State, name: string): State {
const user = userLens.get(state);
return userLens.set(state, {
These look nearly identical to the getter/setter examples at the beginning of this section except they are defacto paired together. Again, each refinement focuses more and more on a smaller piece of data. Despite that, they are always rooted in terms of the global State
const globalState: State = {
const userName = userNameLens.get(globalState);
const nextGlobalState = userNameLens.set(globalState, "Gabey Baby");
You may have noticed that it is probably common to make keyof
refinements and so we can just write a helper function to do this.
declare function prop<State, Refinement, Key extends keyof Refinement>(
lens: BasicLens<State, Refinement>,
key: Key
): BasicLens<State, Refinement[Key]>;
And so instead, you might say,
const userLens = prop(stateLens, "user");
const userNameLens = prop(userLens, "name");
Looking recursively
Lenses start to become particularly useful in situations where both the UI and application state are recursive. Builder-type applications
often have sections inside of sections inside of sections with arbitrary contents and their data is represented as such. Using Redux to maintain this kind of state will often devolve into coming up with some kind of weird scheme where we keep track of the key path and pass it as an argument to the action so that the reducer can walk the state and find the piece of data that you actually meant to update. By pairing the data getter with a corresponding setter, these kinds of updates become trivial.
This library uses useSyncExternalStore
(introduced in React 18). If you want to use Concave with a version of React older than 18, you must also install a shim.
npm install concave use-sync-external-store
createLens<S>(initialState: S): Lens<S>
Creates a store with state S
and wraps it in a Lens<S>
which is returned. To create a Lens<S>
inside of a React component, use useCreateLens
(see below).
import { createLens } from "concave";
import { State, initialState } from "./state";
export const lens = createLens<State>(initialState);
type Lens<A> = {
getStore(): Store<A>;
use(shouldUpdate?: ShouldUpdate): [ProxyValue<A>, Update<A>];
$key: string;
A stateless Proxy around some data A
. Inherits all
own keys that the underlying object/array would have.
For example,
type Account = {
name: string;
email: string;
type User = {
id: string;
account: Account;
type State = {
user: User;
let lens: Lens<State>;
const userLens: Lens<User> = lens.user;
const accountLens: Lens<Account> = userLens.account;
const emailLens: Lens<string> = accountLens.email;
Lenses are cached and static from the time they are first accessed. lens.user.account
will always be the same Lens<Account>
:warning: If a React component only accepts a Lens<Account>
as props then it can be fully memoized with React.memo
Lens.getStore(): Direct access to the store
declare function getStore(): Store<A>;
Every Lens<A>
exposes a getStore()
method that returns the underlying Store<A>
(see below). With this you can access the current state of the store for A
, as well as subscribe to and push updates.
let accountLens: Lens<Account>;
const accountStore: Store<Account> = accountLens.getStore();
const unsubscribe = accountStore.subscribe(() => {
const currentAccount = accountStore.getSnapshot();
let email: string;
Lens.use(): Hook into a React component
declare function use(shouldUpdate?: ShouldUpdate): [ProxyValue<A>, Update<A>]`
A React hook that wraps getStore()
into the component lifecycle and returns a tuple similar to React.useState
The first value, ProxyValue<A>
, is a Proxy around some state A
type ProxyValue<A> = { [K in keyof A]: ProxyValue<A[K]> } & { toLens(): Lens<A> };
It applies recursively, so accessing properties of a ProxyValue<A>
will return another ProxyValue<A[keyof A>
unless it is a primitive value :warning:. That is,
let lens: Lens<State>;
const App = () => {
const [state, updateState] = lens.use();
const accountLens = state.user.account.toLens();
Calling toLens()
will return the same Lens<A>
as if you had just traversed the lens.
let lens: Lens<State>;
const App = () => {
const [state, updateState] = lens.use();
const accountLens1 = state.user.account.toLens();
const accountLens2 = lens.user.account;
The second value in the use()
tuple, Update<A>
, is a function that takes a callback where the current store value is passed as an argument and expects to return the next value.
let lens: Lens<State>;
const App = () => {
const [account, updateAccount] = lens.user.account.use();
updateAccount((currentAccount) => {
return {
email: "neato@example.com",
Should use() re-render?
Whether it's iterating an array or switching on a discriminated union, you will need to call Lens.use()
in order to access the underlying data and decide what to render. The "should update" argument is an optional way to decide whether Lens.use()
should re-render. Specifically, it provides a convenient way to define the data dependencies for the component—not unlike the dependency array for useEffect
, useCallback
, etc.
The default behavior of Lens.use()
is to render when the next value is no longer strictly equal to the previous one. However, this is not sufficient for a deeply recursive component tree. And the closer the Lens.use()
call is to the root state, the more likely an update will fail the strictly equal check because changes cascade up the lens' inner traversal.
For example, a component relying on lens.element.use()
that does not define a "should update" argument would trigger a re-render when another component updates from lens.element.data.children[1].data.placeholder.use()
. Therefore, if the component only actually relied on the status
property of the element
, it could be rewritten as lens.element.use({ status: true })
and all other changes would be ignored.
The following is a list of ways to define "should update",
: Noop. Will inherit the default behavior.false
: Will never re-render.(prev: A, next: A) => boolean
: Similar to React's shouldComponentUpdate
.(keyof A)[]
: Will only render when any of the listed keys change.{ [K in keyof A]: ShouldUpdate<A[K]> }
: Will recursively apply these rules to values and ignore any keys that are not provided.
Here are some examples of how you can define "should update",
lens.user.account.use({ email: true });
lens.user.account.use({ email: (prev, next) => next.length > prev.length });
lens.user.account.use(["name", "email"]);
lens.user.use({ account: ["name"] });
:warning: For arrays, when defining "should update" as an array of keys or an object (4 or 5 above), the library assumes that you also mean to trigger a render when the length of the array changes. Additionally, when specifying properties on an array, it is assumed that you mean to target all of the members of the array. You therefore do not need to traverse the keys of the array (the indices) and instead you define keys of the individual members. :warning:
For example,
type State = {
todos: Array<{
completed: boolean;
description: string;
let lens: Lens<State>;
lens.todos.use({ completed: true });
lens.todos.use((prev, next) => prev.length !== next.length);
Lens.$key: A unique key for the Lens<A>
A unique key for the Lens<A>
(Just matches the traversal path.) lens.user.account.email.$key === "root.user.account.email"
. Meant to be used when React requires a key.
export const TodoList = () => {
const [todos] = todoLens.use();
return <>
{todos.map((todo) => {
const lens = todo.toLens();
return <Todo state={lens} key={lens.$key} />
type Store<A> = {
getSnapshot(): A;
setSnapshot(next: A): void;
subscribe(listener: Listener): Unsubscribe;
type Listener = () => void;
type Unsubscribe = () => void;
Returned by lens.getStore()
. Used to make imperative operations easy to do. Get and set the data directly as well as subscribe to updates.
Stores are used by connection
to allow for complex async behaviors directly in the lens. As such, calling getSnapshot()
on a store belonging to a connection before it has received at least one value will throw a Promise.
declare function connection<A, I>(create: (store: Store<A>, input: I) => Unsubscribe | void): Connection<A, I>;
A connection takes a create
callback that receives a Store<A>
and some input I
. Connections can be embedded inside a monolithic Lens<S>
and following the protocol for React Suspense so that accessing data inside the connection is written as if it is synchronous.
const timer = connection<number, { startTime: number; interval: number }>((store, input) => {
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
const prev = store.getSnapshot();
store.setSnapshot(prev + 1);
}, input.interval);
return () => {
const state = {
count: timer,
export const lens = createLens(state);
And then in a component, the connection can be collapsed into a lens given some input.
type Props = {
state: Lens<{ count: Connection<number, number> }>;
const App = (props: Props) => {
const [count, updateCount] = props.state.count({ startTime: 10, interval: 1000 }).use();
and updateCount
work exactly as they would for any other lens, meaning that you could, for example, subtract 20 seconds off of the timer by calling updateCount(prev => prev - 20)
Connections only automatically share state if they exist at the same keyPath and the same input. The input is serialized as a key with JSON.stringify
, so changing the order of keys or including extraneous values will create a new cached value.
Furthermore, connection
can store any value. Walking that value, even if there is no data yet, happens with the Lens
as if the data is already present.
type Props = {
state: Lens<{
me: {
profile: Connection<{
account: {
emailPreferences: {
subscribed: boolean;
export const EmailPreferencesApp = (props: Props) => {
const [subscribed, setSubscribed] = props.state.me.profile().account.emailPreferences.subscribed.use();
This component EmailPreferencesApp
will be suspended until the profile connection has resolved a value. The connection itself might look something like this.
type Profile = {
account: {
emailPreferences: {
subscribed: boolean;
const profile = connection<Profile, void>((store) => {
.then((resp) => resp.json())
.then((data) => {
:warning: Calling .use()
on a connection—for example, props.state.me.profile.use()
will return the raw Connection
which you should not attempt to replace or write to. It is a special object with magical powers, so just don't. :warning:
type Connection<A, I = void> = {};
The type returned by connection
. It is useless outside of the library internals, but necessary for typing your state/lens.
: The data kept inside of the store.I
: The input data provided to the store.
declare function useCreateLens<A>(initialState: S | (() => S)): Lens<S>;
A convenience wrapper that memoizes a call to createLens
. If passed a function, it will call it once when creating the Lens<S>
Use without TypeScript
This library relies heavily on the meta-programming capabilities afforded by TypeScript + Proxy. I really do not recommend using this without TypeScript. It's 2021. Why aren't you writing TypeScript, bud?