Contensis JavaScript Delivery API implementation written in TypeScript.
This allows the querying and retrieval of entries, content types and projects in JavaScript.
It can be used in any ES5 compatible project.
- JavaScript/TypeScript code running in a browser
- JavaScript/TypeScript code running in Node.js
- Angular
- React
- React Native
- NativeScript
- Node.js
- Express
The contensis-delivery-api-examples repo contains Express, React and Angular test applications, as well as a Node.js nodes api extended example.
The Contensis JavaScript Delivery API can be installed using npm.
npm install contensis-delivery-api
Contensis support
This version supports Contensis releases from 12.0 and above. For Contensis 11.3 support use this version .
Using ES2015 async/await
import { Client } from 'contensis-delivery-api';
let contensisConfig = {
rootUrl: '',
projectId: 'MY_PROJECT_ID',
language: 'en-GB',
versionStatus: 'published',
pageSize: 50
async function loadMovies() {
let client = Client.create(contensisConfig);
let movieList = await client.entries.list({
contentTypeId: 'movie',
pageOptions: { pageIndex: 0, pageSize: 10 },
orderBy: ['-releaseDate']
Using Promises
import { Client } from 'contensis-delivery-api';
let contensisConfig = {
rootUrl: '',
projectId: 'MY_PROJECT_ID',
language: 'en-GB',
versionStatus: 'published',
pageSize: 50
function loadMovies() {
let client = Client.create(contensisConfig);
contentTypeId: 'movie',
pageOptions: { pageIndex: 0, pageSize: 10 },
orderBy: ['-releaseDate']
}).then(movieList => {
Read our documentation on the Contensis Javascript Delivery API to learn of all it's features.
Browser support
This library relies on the fetch API being available at runtime. In modern browsers fetch is available natively, and a polyfill is provided for older browsers.
The library build that targets browsers can be found in the bundle folder.
Node.js support
The library supports Node.js 8 and above.
When using this library in Node.js you need to add the node-fetch npm package as a dependecy and ensure fetch is registered as a global function:
global.fetch = require("node-fetch");