Contentful CLI
Contentful's command line interface tool. Use Contentful features straight from your CLI.
Contentful provides a content infrastructure for digital teams to power content in websites, apps, and devices. Unlike a CMS, Contentful was built to integrate with the modern software stack. It offers a central hub for structured content, powerful management and delivery APIs, and a customizable web app that enable developers and content creators to ship digital products faster.
:rocket: Features
- Securely login and logout with our OAuth service.
- Manage spaces - List, create, ...
- Export your space to a JSON file.
- Import your space from a JSON file.
- Execute migration scripts written in the Contentful Migration DSL
- Generate migration scripts for the Contentful Migration DSL from existing spaces.
- Seed your space with example data.
- Manage installation of extensions in a space.
- Run a guide which introduces you to the Contentful basics.
- Find all available commands in the docs section.
- More to come soon! 🚀
:cloud: Installation
Using npm:
npm install -g contentful-cli
Using yarn:
yarn global add contentful-cli
Please note that for the non standalone versions you need node => v8
to use the CLI.
:hand: Usage
Use the --help
parameter to display the help section for CLI tool or combined with a specific command to get the help section for that command.
contentful --help
contentful space --help
Enable bash-completion
To enable bash-completion for available commands use the completion
command and concat the generated script to your .bashrc or .bash_profile.
contentful completion
Using the CLI tool with a proxy
You can save the proxy configuration in your .contentfulrc.json
contentful config add --proxy user:auth@host:port
We also respect the http(s)_proxy
environment variables:
https_proxy=user:auth@host:port contentful
When multiple proxy configurations exists, precedence is taken in this form:
takes precedence over .contentfulrc.json
takes precedence over .contentfulrc.json
takes precedence over http_proxy
:books: Documentation
More detailed documentation for every command can be found in the docs section.
:hammer_and_wrench: Development
After installing the dependencies, there is a trick to get your version of the CLI tool available globally on your system:
npm link
This may collide with your already globally installed Contentful CLI. Make sure to remove that one first.
:robot: Testing
End-To-End Functional Tests
:warning: Environment variables should be set:
CLI_E2E_CMA_TOKEN = <cma_auth_token>
CLI_E2E_ORG_ID = <organization_id>
npm run test:e2e
or using AVA:
$ ava test/integration/** --verbose --serial
:warning: Since the e2e tests are running in serial mode currently, you should be logged out or rm ~/.contentfulrc.json
:question: Support
If you have a problem with this tool, please file an issue here on Github.
If you have other problems with Contentful not related to this library, you can contact Customer Support.
:writing_hand: Contributing
:scroll: License