![Built.io Contentstack](https://contentstackdocs.built.io/static/images/logo.png)
Javascript SDK for Built.io Contentstack
You need to install node.js v0.10.22 or later to use the Built.io Contentstack SDK.
You might need administrator privileges to perform this installation.
$ npm install contentstack
To require the SDK module in your application use the following command.
$ var Contentstack = require('contentstack');
Basic Structure
The structure followed by SDK logically resembles the "Stack" structure on Built.io Contentstack. Once you have done the basic setup explained in the Installation section, you get a Built.io Contentstack object, which can be used to initialize different modules. The initialization process for each module is explained below.
To initialize a Stack, you need to provide the required keys and values associated with them.
var Stack = Contentstack.Stack({"api_key":<<API_KEY>>,"access_token":<<ACCESS_TOKEN>>,"environment":<<ENVIRONMENT_NAME>>});
Let us take an example where we try to obtain all entries of the Content Type my_content_type.
var entry = Stack.ContentType(<<CONTENT_TYPE_UID>>).Query();
//add query methods here
//data will contain entries from the specified Content Type;
//displays a detailed error in case of failure;
Let us take another example where we try to obtain only a specific entry from the Content Type my_content_type.
var entry = Stack.ContentType(<<CONTENT_TYPE_UID>>).Entry(<<ENTRY_UID>>);
//add query methods here
//data will contain the specified entry from the specified Content Type;
//displays a detailed error in case of failure;
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