What is conventional-changelog?
The conventional-changelog npm package automates the generation of changelogs based on commit messages that follow the Conventional Commits specification. This tool is widely used to maintain a clear, readable history of project changes which can be easily communicated to other developers and users.
What are conventional-changelog's main functionalities?
Generate changelog
This code demonstrates how to generate a changelog using the Angular preset. The changelog will be written to a file named 'CHANGELOG.md'.
const conventionalChangelog = require('conventional-changelog');
const fs = require('fs');
const changelogStream = conventionalChangelog({ preset: 'angular' });
Create a release
This code snippet shows how to automatically determine the semantic version bump based on commit messages. It uses the Angular preset to recommend a bump and then uses npm to update the project version accordingly.
const conventionalRecommendedBump = require('conventional-recommended-bump');
const exec = require('child_process').exec;
conventionalRecommendedBump({ preset: 'angular' }, (error, recommendation) => {
exec(`npm version ${recommendation.releaseType}`, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
console.log('Version bumped to', stdout);
Other packages similar to conventional-changelog
standard-version is a utility for versioning using semver and CHANGELOG generation powered by Conventional Commits. It automates versioning and changelog generation but with a simpler setup compared to conventional-changelog, integrating these steps into a single command.
semantic-release automates the whole package release workflow including determining the next version number, generating the release notes, and publishing the package. This tool provides a more comprehensive solution compared to conventional-changelog by handling the entire release process in a CI/CD environment.
Lerna is a tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages, known as monorepos. While it includes functionality for generating changelogs similar to conventional-changelog, its primary focus is on managing dependencies and publishing multiple packages from the same repository.

Generate a changelog from git metadata
You most likely only need to use this module if you're building a library that provides an abstraction on top of conventional commits, See Getting started if you're an end-user.
$ npm install --save conventional-changelog
import conventionalChangelog from 'conventional-changelog';
preset: 'angular'
Or if you want to use your own custom preset:
import conventionalChangelog from 'conventional-changelog';
import config from '@org/conventional-changelog-custom-preset';
conventionalChangelog([options, [context, [gitRawCommitsOpts, [parserOpts, [writerOpts]]]]])
Returns a readable stream.
See the conventional-changelog-core docs. The API is the same with the following changes or additions:
Type: string
Possible values: 'angular', 'atom', 'codemirror', 'conventionalcommits', 'ember', 'eslint', 'express', 'jquery', 'jshint'
It's recommended to use a preset so you don't have to define everything yourself. Presets are names of built-in config
A scoped preset package such as @scope/conventional-changelog-custom-preset
can be used by passing @scope/custom-preset
to this option.
NOTE: options.config
will be overwritten by the values of preset. You should use either preset
or config
, but not both.