A tool like Alfred on Mac
This is a core library,NOT a client with user interface, Here is a GUI program,Here is a CLI program
This project is still building, and it was tested only under Ubuntu 16.04
- Windows management
- System utils
- Process management
- Launch applications (by name)
- Extendible
- Alias
- Pipe
- Namespace
How does it work
Big Picture
User gives a input to copilot ,copilot gives a list (called IResult
list) back to user, then user select an item from the list to execute a action related to this item.
If ignore how user interactive with copilot,it's GUI's business,let's use user>
and copilot>
to represent the communication between user and copilot
For example:
user> a google
1. google chrome
2. google earth
user> exec 1
copilot> Active google chrome
Translate it to humans' language:
User: Active a window which has a title looks like google
Copilot: Fine, there are too windows that looks satisfied your requirement.Here there are.
User: OK, active the first.
a is an alias that means active
A function which takes option
and IResult
list to generate a new IResult
A mechanism to do something ,such as copy
, run cmd
and so on, according to an IResult
Copilot puts a processor's output to the next processors's input to make processors work together.
For example:
buildin.apps.list | buildin.filter.grep -i chrome | buildin.apps.launch
processor buildin.apps.list
generates a list of application installed in system,it is an IResult
list, and buildin.filter.grep -i
filter all matched items out, the last one add launch action to items.
buildin.apps.list's output buildin.filter.grep's output buildin.apps.launch's output
(buildin.filter.grep's input) (buildin.apps.launch's input)
+----------------------+ +-------------------+ +-------------------------+
| google chrome | | google chrome | | Active google chrome |
| firefox | | google earth | | Active google earth |
+----------------------+ +-------------------+ +-------------------------+
| leafpad |
| google earth |
Of cause it is to long to type in order to make chrome
run. So I added an useful feature to copilot that is alias
An alias of run a matched application
run: buildin.apps.list | buildin.filter.grep -i __arg__ | buildin.apps.launch
Some processors are dependent on some external command,if those command are missing processors will give hint text on it's output IResult
User Interface
Here is an javafx
A CLI user interface is coming.
name | description |
buildin.apps.list | list all applications |
buildin.apps.launch | add run to app items |
buildin.dict.iciba | A dictionary |
buildin.dict.oxford | oxford dictionary |
buildin.file.open | Open a file |
buildin.filter.grep | filter by regexp |
buildin.filter.search | use fuse.js search |
buildin.process.list | list all process |
buildin.process.kill | kill process |
buildin.sys.suspend | Suspend system |
buildin.sys.reboot | Reboot system |
buildin.sys.wifi | toggle WiFi on/off |
buildin.sys.ip | list ip address |
buildin.tldr.list | list cmds ,integrate tldr |
buildin.tldr.show | show short usage info |
buildin.tools.head | output first n items |
buildin.tools.tail | output last n items |
buildin.tools.count | count |
buildin.tools.now | show time |
buildin.tools.toPipe | convert cmd arguments to IResult |
buildin.tools.calc | A math express calculator |
buildin.tools.echo | Cmd to IResult |
buildin.tools.timeout | To do something after specified time out |
buildin.tools.notify | Send a notification |
buildin.tools.copy | change IResult's field to copy |
buildin.tools.cmd | Excutate cmd by shell |
buildin.win.list | list all windows |
buildin.win.active | active window |
buildin.win.close | close window |
buildin.win.move | move window |
buildin.chrome.* | Chrome intergration |
oxford dict
oxford API has a limitation related to query times per month. You'd better to register a new account to get a key to replace to default one.
Oxford link
External processor
There are two types external processor at the moment,they are js processor
and script processor
. The js processor
are written by javascript and it has the same structure of internal processor and it can use the internal services of cause. The script processor
are executable scripts which output data in yaml
format. Copilot
put arguments to script's
cmd line argument and put IResult
items to script's
stdin stream.
The config section external.processor
tells copilot where to find external processor.
- ~/.config/copilot/processors/js
- ~/.config/copilot/processors/script
For example:
For the below dir structure:
-- hello.js
-- demo.js
-- config.yaml
-- foo
-- bar.js
-- hello.sh
-- config.yaml
Copilot will try to load js processors from qianba/*.js
and script processors from qianba/*.hello
and it will also read all those config.yaml
. The differences is that each .js
many contains many processors but each script processor
file just contains only one processor.
name prefix
for js processors (js.qianba.hello.hello)spt.[dir].[file]
for script processors (spt.qianba.hello)
Only processors
and processorsInfo
sections are approved in config.yaml on external processor dirs
Todo list
- Ding integration
- Notification framework
- Improve app launch
- Improve processor name match