Cordova Launch Review plugin
This Cordova/Phonegap plugin for iOS and Android launches the native store app in order for the user to leave a review.
On Android, the plugin opens the the app's storepage in the Play Store where the user can leave a review by pressing the stars to give a rating.
On iOS, the plugin opens the app's storepage in the App Store and focuses the Review tab, where the user can leave a review by pressing "Write a review".
The plugin is registered on npm (requires Cordova CLI 5.0.0+) as cordova-launch-review
Using the Cordova/Phonegap CLI
$ cordova plugin add cordova-launch-review
$ phonegap plugin add cordova-launch-review
$ plugman install --plugin=cordova-launch-review --platform=<platform> --project=<project_path> --plugins_dir=plugins
For example, to install for the Android platform
$ plugman install --plugin=cordova-launch-review --platform=android --project=platforms/android --plugins_dir=plugins
PhoneGap Build
Add the following xml to your config.xml to use the latest version from npm:
<gap:plugin name="cordova-launch-review" source="npm" />
The plugin is exposed via the LaunchReview
object and provides a single function launch()
which launches the store app using the given app ID:
LaunchReview.launch(appId, successCallback);
- {string} appID - the platform-specific app ID to use to open the page in the store app
- On Android this is the full package name of the app. For example, for Google Maps:
- On iOS this is the Apple ID of the app. For example, for Google Maps:
- {function} successCallback - Callback which is executed on successfully launching store app.
Example usage
var appId, platform = device.platform.toLowerCase();
case "ios":
appId = "585027354";
case "android":
appId = "";
LaunchReview.launch(appId, function(){
console.log("Successfully launched store app");
Example project
An example project illustrating use of this plugin can be found here: