Cordova Plugin Fingerprint All-In-One
Android and iOS
![Dependency Status](
This plugin provides a single and simple interface for accessing fingerprint APIs on both Android 6+ and iOS.
- Check if fingerprint scanner is available
- Fingerprint authentication
- Ionic Native support
- ngCordova support
- Fallback options
- Android
- iOS - XCode 8 or higher required, plugin uses Swift 3
- If you are using XCode 9, please set
<preference name="UseSwiftLanguageVersion" value="3.2" />
in your config.xml
How to use
Tutorial about using this plugin with Ionic thanks to Paul Halliday
ngCordova Example
Ionic Native Example
Install from NPM
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fingerprint-aio --save
or use this Github repo
Check if fingerprint authentication is available
Fingerprint.isAvailable(isAvailableSuccess, isAvailableError);
function isAvailableSuccess(result) {
alert("Fingerprint available");
function isAvailableError(message) {
Show authentication dialogue{
clientId: "Fingerprint-Demo",
clientSecret: "password"
}, successCallback, errorCallback);
function successCallback(){
alert("Authentication successfull");
function errorCallback(err){
alert("Authentication invalid " + err);
Optional parameters
- disableBackup: If true remove backup option on authentication dialogue for Android. Default false.
- localizedFallbackTitle (iOS only): Title of fallback button.
- localizedReason (iOS only): Description in authentication dialogue.
Thanks to the authors of the original fingerprint plugins:
- Project and iOS source -> MIT
- Android source -> MIT and Apache 2.0