core-functions v3.0.24
Core functions, utilities and classes for working with Node/JavaScript primitives and built-in objects, including
strings, numbers, booleans, Dates, Promises, base 64, Arrays, Objects, standard AppErrors, sorting utilities, etc.
Currently includes:
- any.js - generic utilities for working with any type of value
- app-errors.js - a collection of standard API-related application AppError subclasses for the more commonly used HTTP status codes
- arrays.js - Array utilities
- base64.js - utilities for encoding from UTF-8 to Base 64 and vice-versa
- booleans.js - boolean utilities
- copying.js - Object copying utilities
- dates.js - Date utilities
- errors.js - common Error subclasses
- merging.js - Object merging utilities
- numbers.js - number utilities
- objects.js - Object utilities
- promises.js - native Promise utilities
- sorting.js - sorting utilities
- strings.js - string utilities
- timers.js - Timer/timeout utilities
- tries.js - Try, Success and Failure classes representing the outcome of a function execution
- weak-map-copy.js - a class that emulates a copy of a WeakMap
- weak-set-copy.js - a class that emulates a copy of a WeakSet
This module is exported as a Node.js module.
Using npm:
$ {sudo -H} npm i -g npm
$ npm i --save core-functions
In Node.js:
To use the any
const any = require('core-functions/any');
assert(any.defined(undefined) === false);
assert(any.defined(null) === false);
assert(any.defined(0) === true);
assert(any.defined('') === true);
assert(any.notDefined(undefined) === true);
assert(any.notDefined(null) === true);
assert(any.notDefined(0) === false);
assert(any.notDefined('') === false);
assert(any.valueOf(null) === null);
assert(any.valueOf(Number(123)) === 123);
To use the string utilities
const Strings = require('core-functions/strings');
assert(Strings.isBlank(' '));
assert(!Strings.isNotBlank(' '));
assert(Strings.trim(null) === null);
assert(Strings.trim(' abc ') === 'abc');
assert(Strings.nthIndexOf('123 123 123', '23', 3) === 9);
const obj = {};
obj.self = obj;
To use the number utilities
const Numbers = require('core-functions/numbers');
assert(Numbers.isInteger(Number(123)) === true);
assert(Numbers.isInteger(Number(123.001)) === false);
assert(Numbers.isInteger(undefined) === false);
assert(Numbers.isFiniteNumber(Number.MAX_VALUE) === true);
assert(Numbers.isFiniteNumber(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) === false);
assert(Numbers.isIntegerLike('1234567890123456789012345678901234567890') === true);
assert(Numbers.isIntegerLike('1234567890123456789012345678901234567890.00000000001') === false);
To use the boolean utilities
const Booleans = require('core-functions/booleans');
assert(Booleans.isBoolean(0) === false);
assert(Booleans.isBoolean('') === false);
assert(Booleans.isBoolean(true) === true);
assert(Booleans.isBoolean(false) === true);
To use the Base 64 encoding and decoding utilities
const base64 = require('core-functions/base64');
To use the Date utilities
const Dates = require('core-functions/dates');
assert(Dates.isSimpleISODate(new Date('2017-07-21Z')) === true);
assert(Dates.isSimpleISODate(new Date('2017-07-2123:59Z')) === false);
To use the sorting utilities
const sorting = require('core-functions/sorting');
assert(sorting.compareIntegerLikes('1234567890123456789012345678901234567890', '1234567890123456789012345678901234567889') === 1);
assert(sorting.compareIntegerLikes('1234567890123456789012345678901234567890', '1234567890123456789012345678901234567890') === 0);
assert(sorting.compareIntegerLikes('1234567890123456789012345678901234567890', '1234567890123456789012345678901234567891') === -1);
To use the Promise utilities
const Promises = require('core-functions/promises');
Promises.delay(1000).then(() => console.log('Tock'));
To use the Object utilities
const Objects = require('core-functions/objects');
console.log(Objects.getPropertyKeys({a:1, b:2}));
console.log(Objects.toKeyValuePairs({a:1, b:2}));
To use the Array utilities
const Arrays = require('core-functions/arrays');
assert(Arrays.isDistinct([1,2,3]) === true);
assert(Arrays.isDistinct([1,1,2,2,3]) === false);
assert(Arrays.distinct([1,1,2,2,3]).length === 3);
assert(Arrays.flatten([[1], [2,3], [4,5]]).length === 5);
To use the Timer utilities
const timers = require('core-functions/timers');
const timer = setTimeout(1000, () => { console.log('Tick'); });
To use the Try
, Success
and Failure
const tries = require('./tries');
const Try = tries.Try;
const outcome = Try.try(() => 'Abc');
assert(outcome.value === 'Abc');
const outcome1 = => v + 'Xyz');
assert(outcome1.value === 'AbcXyz');
const testErr = new Error("Err");
const outcome2 = Try.try(() => {throw testErr});
assert(outcome2.error === testErr);
const outcome3 = outcome2.recover(err => { console.error(err); return 123; });
assert(outcome3.value === 123);
const outcome4 =
value => {
return value + 42;
err => {
return -1;
assert(outcome4.value === 'Abc42');
To use the standard application errors
const appErrors = require('core-functions/app-errors');
const AppError = appErrors.AppError;
const BadRequest = appErrors.BadRequest;
const Unauthorized = appErrors.Unauthorized;
const Forbidden = appErrors.Forbidden;
const NotFound = appErrors.NotFound;
const RequestTimeout = appErrors.RequestTimeout;
const TooManyRequests = appErrors.TooManyRequests;
const InternalServerError = appErrors.InternalServerError;
const BadGateway = appErrors.BadGateway;
const ServiceUnavailable = appErrors.ServiceUnavailable;
const GatewayTimeout = appErrors.GatewayTimeout;
const supportedHttpStatusCodes = appErrors.supportedHttpStatusCodes;
const toAppError = appErrors.toAppError;
const toAppErrorForApiGateway = appErrors.toAppErrorForApiGateway;
const code = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
let err = null;
let cause = new Error('Boom');
switch(code) {
case 1:
err = new BadRequest('Invalid request', '001', new Error('Xyz is not valid')); break;
case 2:
err = new Unauthorized('Not authorized', '002', cause); break;
case 3:
err = new Forbidden('Access forbidden', '003', cause); break;
case 4:
err = new NotFound('File not found', '004', cause); break;
case 5:
err = new RequestTimeout('Request timed out', '005', cause); break;
case 6:
err = new TooManyRequests('Too many requests', '006', cause); break;
case 7:
err = new InternalServerError('Internal server failure', '007', cause); break;
case 8:
err = new BadGateway('Bad, bad Gateway', '008', cause); break;
case 9:
err = new ServiceUnavailable('Service is currently unavailable', '009'); break;
case 10:
err = new GatewayTimeout('Gateway timed out', '010'); break;
err = new AppError('Unexpected error', code, null, 418); break;
console.log(`Currently supported HTTP status codes: ${supportedHttpStatusCodes}`);
console.log('Corresponding AppError:', toAppError(cause));
console.log('Corresponding AppError for API Gateway:', toAppErrorForApiGateway(err));
if (err) {
throw err;
Unit tests
This module's unit tests were developed with and must be run with tape. The unit tests have been tested on Node.js v6.10.3.
See the package source for more details.