Couchbase Promises
Just like the Couchbase Node.js SDK, but with the addition of *Async()
methods that return A+ Promises for all methods that contain a Node.js callback parameter. Both the normal Couchnode and the mock Couchnode APIs have been fully promisified. This module functions as a drop-in replacement for the couchbase module.
The current version supports Couchbase Node.js SDK version 2.1.2.
Promises are created using the Bluebird Promises library. If you absolutely must use native ECMAScript Promises, then have a look at couchbase-es-promises. I highly recommend avoiding couchbase-es-promises, as Bluebird is compatible with native promises, and offers an order of magnitude more performance.
General Usage
Usage is almost exactly the same as the native SDK, but with the added ability to use Promises instead of callbacks.
A user repository module with a simple lookup...
const couchbase = require('couchbase-promises');
const cluster = new couchbase.Cluster('couchbase://');
const bucket = cluster.openBucket();
function UserNotFoundError() {;
Error.captureStackTrace(this, UserNotFoundError);
this.message = "User not found.";
module.exports = {
UserNotFoundError: UserNotFoundError,
getUserAsync: function(userId) {
return bucket.getAsync(userId)
.then(function(result) {
return {
user: result.value,
meta: {
etag: result.cas
}).catch(couchbase.Error, function(e) {
if (e.code === couchbase.errors.keyNotFound)
throw new UserNotFoundError();
throw e;