Why Coughy? Well, CoffeeScript gives JavaScript a much more palatable
syntax. Of course, each of your projects include the lovely [[http://underscorejs.org/][Underscore]]
library, however, pre-pending =_.= makes your code look crummy.
Coughy is quite wrong in that it places the Underscore library
into the global name space. /WHAT!?/ Yes. Just look at this beautiful
#+BEGIN_SRC coffee
Sum the squares that are less than 25... right, it is 30.
reduce( map( range(5), (x) -> x * x ),
(total, cur) -> total + cur )
Why do this? This certainly isn't for everyone, or every project, but
for working on [[http://projecteuler.net/][Project Euler]], or teaching programming concepts, this
seems like an acceptable solution.
** Installation
As usual, you can take advantage of this project by adding this to
your normal Node-related project:
npm install coughy
Now, you can create scripts that use those functions directly:
Note: You do not need to assign the results of the coughy module
*because , it is already placed in the global namespace.
** REPL Sweetness
By using the [[http://danielgtaylor.github.io/nesh/][Nesh project]], we can make pre-load /coughy/ in order to
make a better REPL:
npm install -g nesh
Then, create a Shell function like this:
nesh --lang coffee --eval 'node_modules/coughy/coughy.js'
Where =coughy.js= needs to be the filename to the magic script
that provides this pleasing abomination.
** Futures
Think of this... An even more functional approach to development
is with something like the immutable data structures available from
[[http://swannodette.github.io/mori/][Mori]] ... However, since Mori's functions overlap with Underscore
(but seem to be more general), I may just swap it.