JSON files and ES Modules containing ISO 3166-1 country codes with Polish and English names. All data is parsed from Wikipedia.
npm install country-codes-polish
const countryCodes = require('country-codes-polish');
countryCodes.find(({name_en}) => name_en === 'Germany') =>
name_pl: 'Niemcy',
name_en: 'Germany',
alpha_2: 'DE',
alpha_3: 'DEU',
numeric: '276'
const countryCodesA2 = require('country-codes-polish/alpha-2');
countryCodesA2.find(({code}) => code === 'DE') =>
{ name_pl: 'Niemcy', name_en: 'Germany', code: 'DE' }
const countryCodesA3 = require('country-codes-polish/alpha-3');
countryCodesA3.find(({code}) => code === 'DEU') =>
{ name_pl: 'Niemcy', name_en: 'Germany', code: 'DEU' }
const countryCodesNum = require('country-codes-polish/numeric');
countryCodesNum.find(({code}) => code === '276') =>
{ name_pl: 'Niemcy', name_en: 'Germany', code: '276' }
This package also includes ESM formatted files available as:
import countryCodes from 'country-codes-polish/esm';
import countryCodesA2 from 'country-codes-polish/esm/alpha-2';
import countryCodesA3 from 'country-codes-polish/esm/alpha-3';
import countryCodesNum from 'country-codes-polish/esm/numeric';