rust-crdts wasm
Proof of concept to utilizing the crdts
rust crate in Javascript via WebAssembly.
The chief challenge in utilizing crdts
via WebAssembly is that wasm-bindgen
can't currently handle Rust structures with type parameters (which crdts
extensively utilizes).
As such, this proof of concept takes a wrapping approach, building materialized structs for a CRDT / type pair that they can be consumed in JavaScript.
See src/
for details on how the mechanics of this wrapping work and at index.html
for what the JavaScript client looks like.
Running POC Demo
- Install the WASM toolchain for Rust if you haven't already:
$ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
- Install
$ cargo install wasm-pack
- Build the demo in WebAssembly using
$ wasm-pack build --target web
- Start a static webserver in the root of the application:
$ python3 -m http.server
- Launch your web browser and navigate to
- open your console to see that indeed that the counter is successfully run in JavaScript and outputs a 1