Ledger DApp Ethereum starter kit
Welcome to Ledger DApp starter kit, web app backed by Ethereum smart contract. Out of the box support of Ledger devices and MetaMask.
bootstrap a project with:
yarn create dapp new-project-name
npm i -g create-dapp
create-dapp new-project-name
Pre-requisite documentation to read
Pre-requisite tools to install
npm install -g truffle ganache-cli
Run a development Ethereum network:
ganache-cli --networkId 1337
Alternatively you can run on Ethereum testnet.
Run the truffle tool, to generate and compile the contracts. NB: the truffle project lives under src/dapp
cd src/dapp
truffle compile
truffle deploy --network development
Adapt the deploy based on your need. Read truffle documentation for more information.
Run the web app:
npm start
Read create-react-app documentation for more information.