Create LlamaIndex App
The easiest way to get started with LlamaIndex is by using create-llama
. This CLI tool enables you to quickly start building a new LlamaIndex application, with everything set up for you.
- NextJS, ExpressJS, or FastAPI (python) stateless backend generation 💻
- Streaming or non-streaming backend ⚡
- Optional
frontend generation 🎨
Get Started
You can run create-llama
in interactive or non-interactive mode.
You can create a new project interactively by running:
npx create-llama@latest
npm create llama
yarn create llama
pnpm create llama
You will be asked for the name of your project, along with other configuration options.
Here is an example:
>> npm create llama
Need to install the following packages:
Ok to proceed? (y) y
✔ What is your project named? … my-app
✔ Which template would you like to use? › Chat with streaming
✔ Which framework would you like to use? › NextJS
✔ Which UI would you like to use? › Just HTML
✔ Which chat engine would you like to use? › ContextChatEngine
✔ Please provide your OpenAI API key (leave blank to skip): …
✔ Would you like to use ESLint? … No / Yes
Creating a new LlamaIndex app in /home/my-app.
You can also pass command line arguments to set up a new project
non-interactively. See create-llama --help
create-llama <project-directory> [options]
-V, --version output the version number
Explicitly tell the CLI to bootstrap the app using npm
Explicitly tell the CLI to bootstrap the app using pnpm
Explicitly tell the CLI to bootstrap the app using Yarn
LlamaIndex Documentation