CryptoKitties API client
A unofficial API client in NodeJS for CryptoKitties
When module is imported, returns a CryptokittiesClient, all the others are functions of that object.
CryptoKittiesClient (opts)
Takes as a argument a object with the options, whith a structure of:
url: String, // The URL of the API, defaults to
credentials: {
jwt: String // The JWT for accessing some APIs
listAuctions (type = "sale", status="open", limit, offset=0)
Makes a list of the ongoing auctions.
getAllKitties ()
Gets a list of all existing kitties.
getKitten (id)
Gets information about a specific cat.
getMyProfile ()
Gets your proffile.
getUserKitties (address, limit, offset=0)
Gets the kitties of a ethereum address.