Converts a CSS gradient's angle in degrees to an SVG gradient's coordinates (x1/y1/x2/y2) to produce a linear gradient of the same angle.
yarn add css-gradient-angle-to-svg-gradient-coordinates
import angleToCoordinates from 'css-gradient-angle-to-svg-gradient-coordinates'
const coordinates = angleToCoordinates(90)
const linearGradient = `
<linearGradient x1="${coordinates.x1}" y1="${coordinates.y1}" x2="${coordinates.x2}" y2="${coordinates.y2}">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="#000000" />
<stop offset="75%" stop-color="#FFFFFF" />
angleToCoordinates(angleInDegrees, [sizeOfSquare])
Takes an angle in degrees and finds a set of coordinates around the edge of a square which
will draw a line dissecting the center of that square. For the purposes of using this to create
SVG gradients, the square is 1 long and 1 high, such that the output coordinates are percentages
that will understand — but this is also customizable.
- an angle in degrees between -Infinity to Infinity.sizeOfSquare
(optional, default = 1
) - the size of the square to calculate coordinates on. Usually not necessary to specify unless you've changed gradientUnits
or you're trying to do something else with this module.
Returns an object that looks like this: { x1: 0.5, y1: 1, x2: 0.5, y2: 0 }
yarn run test