A tiny js module to make it easier to use css modules.
npm install css-stylez
How to use
First, import the package and a transformer function (or you can create one for yourself, camelToKebab function is basically some match regex and replace)
import cssStylez, {camelToKebab} from 'css-stylez'
Let's say we import our css module styles like
import styles from './MyComponent.module.scss'
We need to initialize cssStylez as,
const stylez = cssStylez(styles,camelToKebab)
Finally,we can start using it. I created this package because I love css modules but hated using it with bulma. You basically end up with classnames hell, ugly af.
<div className={stylez.isFlexTabletOnly}>
stuff here
<div className={stylez.hasTextGreyDarker}>
stuff here