Better devboard pinouts
see example at
Some time ago I've added some board images for IDE.
But those images suitable for web and useless in GUI.
Seems fritzing have board images I want —
converted from Eagle .brd files,
with correct pins as svg objects, with xml descriptions and so on.
Licensing is also suitable — seems those images is CC-BA.
Playground for some example boards
Currently board pin labels have some imperfections.
Arduino pro mini
Launchpad MSP430G2
Work in progress
Currently I have:
- script to display board pin labels for one board;
- limited pin description for one board
- show legend;
- optimize description format;
- check all other board images;
- convert descriptions from fritzing;
- verbosity level:
- digital + analog + bus;
- digital + analog + interrupt;
- processor pins + flags
- selectable
- flag pins (pwm, analog read or write).
Other boards
RFduino also have board image for fritzing. Licensing is CC-BY-SA. I slightly modified pin headers and color (green => black).
due vector pinout