Cx Framework
This is the main package of the Cx Framework.
Cx is a feature-rich framework for building modern web applications.
Cx provides:
- a complete set of widgets
- charts
- two-way data-binding options
- controllers
- layouts
- customizable appearance (Sass)
Cx is based on ES6 and requires babel-plugin-transform-cx-jsx.
Cx widgets use React to render and update the DOM.
Demo Applications
Getting Started
The easiest way to set up a new Cx project is to use the Cx Command Line Interface.
If you wish to install the cx-core package separately, run the following line from the project folder in your command prompt:
npm i cx-core -S
In order to use the simplified import paths for the Cx components, as listed in the documentation,
it is important to add the following alias to your webpack config:
alias: {
cx: 'cx-core/src'
Cx is available under a commercial and a free for non-commercial license.
Please refer to the website for more information.