This is a first attempt a making a router driver for cycle.js using director
npm install cycle-director
import {run, Rx} from '@cycle/core';
import {h, makeDOMDriver} from '@cycle/dom';
import makeRouterDriver from 'cycle-director';
let author = () => { return "author" };
let books = () => { return "books"};
let viewBook = (id) => {return "viewBook: bookId is populated: " + id};
let viewChapter = (bookId, chapterNumber) => { return "BookId: " + bookId + " Chapter: " + chapterNumber}
let routes = [
{ url: "/author",
on: author,
after: () => {if (!confirm("You sure you want to leave this page?")) {
window.location.hash = '#/author'
{ url: "/books", on: [books, () => { return "An inline route handler"}]},
{ url: "/books/view/:bookId", on: viewBook},
{ url: "/books/view/:bookId/chapter/:chapterNumber", on: viewChapter }
function render(text) {
return h('div', [
h('ul', [
h('li', [h('a', {href: '#/author'}, 'Author')]),
h('li', [h('a', {href: '#/books'}, 'Books')]),
h('li', [h('a', {href: '#/books/view/33'}, 'Book 33')]),
h('li', [h('a', {href: '#/books/view/33/chapter/2'}, 'Book 33 Chapter 2')])
h ('h1', text)
function main({DOM, Router}){
let route$ = Rx.Observable.from(routes);
let view$ = Router
.map((output) => {
console.log("Output: " + output);
return render(output);
return {
DOM: view$,
Router: route$
let drivers = {
DOM: makeDOMDriver('.app'),
Router: makeRouterDriver({
html5history: false,
notfound: () => { return 'Page can not be found'}
run(main, drivers);
options - options are all configuration options supported by director
(Function) The Router Driver function. It expects an Observable of Route Objects as input, and outputs the path of the current route.
Route Object
url (required): path to mount routing events
optionally any routing event director supports
Example Route Object
url: '/home',
before: () => console.log('Going home...'),
once: () => console.log('Never been here before'),
on: () => console.log('Welcome home...'),
after: () => console.log('Leaving home...')
anything else: Its just a javascript object. Put whatever else you may need to complete your application. These are just the things that cycle-director will do something with.