Plugin that allows interaction with MongoDB server using Cypress commands.
run npm install cypress-mongodb
configure (see below)
Supported and tested MongoDB versions
4.0, 4.2, 4.4, 5.0
cy.createCollection('new_collection', { database: 'new_database' }); // creates both collection and database
const oneDocument = {document: 1};
cy.insertOne(oneDocument, { collection: 'some_collection', database: 'some_database' }).then(res => {
cy.log(res); // print the id of inserted document
const manyDocuments = [{document: 1}, {document: 2}];
cy.insertMany(manyDocuments, { collection: 'some_other_collection' }).then(res => { // defaults to database from env variable
console.log(res); // print object with inserted ids
const deleteClause = {document: 1};
cy.deleteOne(oneDocument, { collection: 'new_collection', database: 'some_database' }).then(res => {
cy.log(res); // prints 1 (or 0) document deleted
cy.deleteMany(deleteClause).then(res => { // defaults to collection and database from env variables
cy.log(res); // prints '# documents deleted'
const pipeline = []; // any kind of aggregation
cy.aggregate(pipeline).then(res => {
cy.log(res); // print the result of the aggregation
cy.dropCollection('start_new').then(res => {
cy.log(res); // prints 'Collection dropped'
and dropCollection
have the option to failSilently
cy.createCollection('existing_collection', { failSilently: true}).then(res => {
cy.log(res); // Error object if collection already exists
cy.dropCollection('nonexistent_collection', { failSilently: true}).then(res => {
cy.log(res); // Error object if collection doesn’t exist
Environment setup
Add the following env
properties in your cypress.json
"env": {
mongodb: {
"uri": "mongodb://localhost:27017",
"database": "database_name",
"collection": "collection_name"
Note: only mongodb.uri
is mandatory, you can always override/set database and collection names in each cypress mongodb command using options. You can set both local and remote urls.
Plugin configuration - JavaScript
In your cypress/plugins/index.js
add the following:
const mongo = require('cypress-mongodb');
module.exports = (on, config) => {
In your cypress/support/index.js
add the following:
const mongo = require('cypress-mongodb');
Plugin configuration - TypeScript
In your cypress/plugins/index.ts
add the following:
import * as mongo from 'cypress-mongodb';
* @type {Cypress.PluginConfig}
export default (on, config) => {
In your cypress/support/index.ts
add the following:
import * as mongo from "cypress-mongodb";
Future development & support
Update command support.
Explicit support for fixture files planned.
Please create feature requests for things you'd like to see.
Please raise issues for any problems you encounter.