
cypress-teamcity-reporter is a Teamcity reporter which makes it possible to display test results in real-time, makes test information
available on the Tests tab of the Build Results page. It is based on the package @cypress/mocha-teamcity-reporter
and was improved with new informations and support to the newer versions of mocha.
Version changes
Check out the changelog
- NodeJs 6+
- Web Browser supporting ES6
To Install
In your project run a npm install command:
npm install cypress-teamcity-reporter --save-dev
yarn add cypress-teamcity-reporter --dev
Usage describes using third party reporters in mocha.
Then call mocha with:
mocha --reporter cypress-teamcity-reporter test
To use it in the TeamCity, you can call:
cypress run --reporter cypress-teamcity-reporter
Running In Browser
- Use
- Has option parsing stripped out for the moment
- Example use can be found in
- Custom log function can be set with window.customLogFunction
TeamCity flowId
Can set flowId like:
mocha test --reporter mocha-teamcity-reporter --reporter-options flowId=gobbledygook
Top-level suite name
Can set a top-level suite name, which will wrap all other suites.
This is useful for reading test output when running multiple suites in a single build
- Environment variable:
- Reporter option:
log test failures with std error
To enable this please
Please note this will probaly be made default in the next major version
- Environment variable:
- Reporter option:
Record hook failures
Record failures for hooks such as before/after etc
Please note this will probably be made default in the next major version
- Environment variable:
- Reporter option:
Setting options
- Set with reporter-options:
mocha test --reporter mocha-teamcity-reporter --reporter-options topLevelSuite=top-level-suite-name
mocha test --reporter mocha-teamcity-reporter --reporter-options useStdError=true
mocha test --reporter mocha-teamcity-reporter --reporter-options useStdError=true
- Set with environment variable
MOCHA_TEAMCITY_TOP_LEVEL_SUITE='top-level-suite-name' mocha test --reporter mocha-teamcity-reporter