Cypress File Preprocessor to run Gherkin based tests with some mind blowing features.
- Threshold based approach to pass/fail a build.
- Run tests for or from a particular route.
- Run tests going through particular route.
- Run tests from their position in test file(s).
- Run tests for a User Story.
- Write your own custom reporting tools/
- More redable/understanble datatables.
- Parallel runs(experimental)
Sample Feature file
Feature: I can order a Pizza
Rule: Explore available products
Scenario: Display Trendy Pizzas
#> route: home page; story: US002
Given I'm on home page
Then I should see the top selling pizzas
Scenario: Display Side dishes
#> route: home page; story: US001
Given I'm on home page
Then I should see the list of side dishes
Rule: Find relevant products
Scenario: Search for a pizza
#> story: US003
Given I'm on any page
When I search for "cheese"
Then it should result all pizzas
When I search for "mushroom"
Then it should result following pizzas
| Farm House |
| Deluxe Veggie |
| Veg Extravaganza |
Rule: Create a cart
Scenario: Make an order from home page
#> route: home page; story: US004
Given I'm on home page
#Save order detail in scenario context
When I add following items in the cart
#> {}
| pizza | Farm House |
| extra_toppings | onion,paneer |
#Validate the cart from the order detail in scenario context
Then I can see the cart with selected items
Some useful commands
$ npx cytorus run --story "US004"
$ npx cytorus run --tags "not @wip"
$ npx cytorus run --from "product page"
$ npx cytorus run --not-via "home page"
- Getting Started with application setup
- Writing Feature File and step definitions
- Scenario Context
- Basic Commands to run the tests
- Test selection to run particular tests
- Project configuration to create test stratgey and more
- Threshold Strategies to keep the builds green
- Run tests in parallel (experimental)
- Reports