An indented tree layout for D3, commonly used for hierarchical lists, e.g. file directories.
On top of D3's usual hierarchical layout methods sort()
, children()
, and value()
(see D3 API documentation), d3.layout.indent implements dx()
and dy()
which are used to specify the x and y increment between nodes.
Per default, both x and y increment by 1:
var indent = d3.layout.indent();
var tree = {id: "root", children: [{id: "child1"}, {id: "child2"}]};
var nodes = indent.nodes(tree);
With .nodeSize()
the x and y increment can be defined. .separation()
additionally defines by how much the x increment will be multiplied between the current and the previous node:
var indent = d3.layout.indent()
.nodeSize([10, 10])
.separation(function(a, b) { return a.children ? 2 : 1; });
var tree = {id: "root", children: [{id: "child1"}, {id: "child2", children: [{id: "child21"}]}]};
var nodes = indent.nodes(tree);
Jeremy Stucki, Interactive Things
BSD, see LICENSE.txt