Revised Bengali Calendar
Revised Bengali Calendar calculations with conversion from/ to Gregorian Date.
The revised version of the Bengali calendar was officially adopted in Bangladesh in 1987.
The module supports:
- conversion from Gregorian Date to Bengali Date and vice versa
- conversion from javascript Date object to Bengali Date and vice versa
- formatting
Credits to Nuhil Mehdy for his project bangla-calendar.
The inital algorithm and the bengali names were taken from there. Thanks.
Table of Contents
Construct a new Bengali Date
year: {Number|String}
, bengali year in bengal or latin digits
month: {Number|String}
, bengali month
day: {Number|String}
, bengali day
import Calendar from 'date-bengali-revised'
const Calendar = require('date-bengali-revised').default
let cal = new Calendar(1425, 1, 1)
cal = new Calendar('১৪২৫', '১', '১')
cal = new Calendar('১৪২৫', 'বৈশাখ', '১')
from Gregorian Date
year: {Number}
, gregorian year
month: {Number}
, gregorian month
day: {Number}
, gregorian day
Returns: this for chaining
import Calendar from 'date-bengali-revised'
let cal = new Calendar()
cal.fromGregorian(2018, 4, 14)
to Gregorian Date
Convert Bengali Date back to Gregorian Date
Returns: {Object}
{year, month, day}
as gregorian date
let cal = new Calendar(1425, 1, 1)
let gdate = cal.toGregorian()
from Date
Calculate bengali calendar date from javascript Date object
date: {Date}
- javascript Date object
Returns: this for chaining
let cal = new Calendar()
let date = new Date('2018-04-14T06:00:00Z')
to Date
Returns: {Date}
- javascript Date object
let cal = new Calendar(1425, 1, 1)
let date = cal.toDate(date).toISOString()
formatStr: {String}
- formatting string
Input | Description |
Y | Year with any number of digits and sign |
Q | Season Name |
M | Month number |
MMMM | Month name |
D | Day of month |
dddd | Day name |
Returns: {String}
formatted date
let cal = new Calendar(1425, 1, 1)
cal.format('dddd D MMMM, Y [Q]')
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Copyright (c) 2018-present commenthol (MIT License)
See LICENSE for more info.